Baby Names


DH has always loved the name Martin, but he likes the German pronunciation which sounds more like M-aah-t-ee-n.  So I have 2 questions.

1. What do you think of the name? 

2. Should we try another spelling to get the correct pronunciation, or just not worry about it?

Re: Martin?

  • Not my favorite name though I know 2 Martins that are great guys...just spell it the way it's supposed to be spelt, you can correct people on the pronunciation.
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  • NMS. I know a Martin that pronounces it the way you want it to be pronounced. Once he corrects people, it isn't an issue.
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  • I don't really care for it.
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  • It's fine, if a bit old-man sounding.  Please don't change the spelling--you'd end up with a made-up looking name that wouldn't be recognizable as either the American or German pronunciations.
  • I love Martin.  If you go with the German pronunciation he will be correcting people a lot.  I know a few people in similar situations and they just end up with the Americanized pronunciation because it was easier than correcting people.  But I think that is a better scenario than trying to come up with your own spelling.
  • You're never going to get the German pronunciation in the USA. Ever.
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  • My grandpa was a Martin. I LOVE the shortened version "Marty", but my DH won't go for it. I think it's a great name.
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