
Clikcy Poll re: NKOTB

I see so many Donnie Wahlberg posts on here so I am curious as to how many of us actually like him/them. For the record, I never did and never will like them but to each her own.

Ok, I am done  being a PW now :)


  ~~~Big brother 11.29.05 & Little Brother 6.18.09~~~  

Re: Clikcy Poll re: NKOTB

  • I never could stand them because they were a carbon copy of my favorite teen group, New Edition.

    Maurice Starr, the guy who got NE on the charts, was terribly bitter after they left him for MCA. After unsuccessfully suing the group for the rights to the name, "New Edition," he created the same group under the pop format named, "New Kids on the Block."

    However, I have heard that both groups actually get along with each other now and I think they actually recorded a song together that appeared on a newer NKOTB album so I guess I don't have to hate NKOTB anymore LOL. 

    Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
  • I still love them. I was a total geek this spring when I got 3rd row tickets. I am not ashamed to admit it.
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    Alissa Jean

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