what activities/games? entertainment at all? would you hire a clown or magician?
everyone from preschool is having big parties at big party places (which seems to be a big thing here)... but they all cost a minimum of $350 for between 10-15 kids as base... and that's not including everything needed. some places include the cake and/or pizza and drinks for kids only.... but then you have parents and whatnot. I know these people are spending at least $450-550 on these parties... We cannot do that this year. Plus, she'll be 4 on her bday... 4. she won't remember it. ya know?
so do you think we should just invite the kids she talks about and the few outside of school friends to our house? pizza, cake, ice cream... what activities or games? Do you think it's rude to not include the entire class? (invites would be mailed out) People from work tell me I'll end up spending the same amount plus having to clean up if I do it from home... that I might as well plan on the big party out.... I just cannot imagine. I'm kind of stressing about this. we haven't done a big, kid invited party for either of them yet.
and what do you think of chuck e cheese
parties... tacky? fun? good for 4 y/os? this would still be about
$14-19/child before adult food and drink is tallied in. it's one of
the cheaper options around here. I would have to check out the site
here... I've been to some gross ones... some nice ones.
Re: need 4y/o bday party help
You are right, thats what it costs (at least). I've done B's Bday at those places for the last 2 birthdays.
I'd skip Cuckie Cheese, especially if you plan to do the one in SI. I usually go there on Fridays in the winter but I don't think I'd have a bday there.
Do the house Idea, I think its a great idea! Just invite who you want. I only invite one kid from daycare and the rest are my friends kids.
You can go to Party City and find some games.
heidisean, we don't have family around here. moved here a year ago, but haven't lived near family in almost 10 years. so we have a handful of outside of preschool friends, 2 friends from last year who are not in her class this year (who she misses terribly) and she's not really talking about anyone specific in her class yet.... but by January , I'm sure that will change.
Thanks xbrooklyngrl... I haven't been to the Chuck E Cheese here yet. Do you know anything about the tumbling school parties ? That's one thing I haven't looked into yet... Someone recommended Victory Gymnastics??? We're checking out Athletic Edge for classes and will ask there as well. I could work an extra shift or two to pay for a party... I just really don't want to spend $500-600 on a bday party she won't remember. ya know? I'm so torn as to what to do... we've been to 1 so far, have another invite (to Bounce U in NJ) for in a couple of weeks and now she's talking about wanting a big party this year... in the past we've just taken the day off of work and had a fun family day... Last year we went to the Manhattan Children's museum and did a full day of fun in the city then pizza and cake and presents at home... I'm guessing that won't cut it anymore.
will check out party city.... thanks.
I never heard of either of those places.
Last yr I had the funds so it was no biggie, this year I did it because like you said, she's been going to so many and kept asking when/where we'll have hers. I never had Bday parties as a kid so its one thing I feel I have to do for her.
Anyway, I can get you a list of places if you want.
We went to a place 2 weeks ago that is a daycare by day during the week. Anyway they had this big open space with all these climb things, it was actually fun. I'll ask my friend what they paid there.
Ok, so it was Funworks on Hylan. $375 for 15 kids, adults are free.
They did pay for the pizza and cake and supplies.
A great place to get your cake is Kiddie Cakes. They do any characters and are so good and so cheap!
I think even if you do it at home and have party hats and balloons, musical chairs, pin the tail...she'll have fun!
B's party was at KiddiePalooza this year, it was just ok but everyone came back to my house, like 30 people and next year, I'm just skipping the kiddie party place!
This is such a "Keeping up with the Jones" topic. For the 4 birthday parties i've had for my kids, i've never considered NOT doing it at home. We do some sort of theme, spend a bit on a cool cake, and I spend effort on the food. I'm not necessarily against those big parties (other than cost), but I think kids are more relaxed, whole families are more likely to come (and stay for a while), and you don't worry about losing kids when the party is at home. We're very family oriented, and would rather grandparents be able to come an enjoy the kids as well. We usually have 15 kids or so here, 40 Adults or so, and they all rave about how fun/nice it is.
Like you said, at 4 she is not going to remember this party more than a year or so. I'd just talk with her about what she wants (theme) and really go all-out at home. We sometimes borrow a blow up bouncer from a friend, and get out the Power Wheels truck, have our playset up. I think at this age it's all about how YOU hype it up to your child. You're probably also able to have more kids/friends as well. I'd guess I spend $150-200 for an all day party (basically, because a couple friends and our family come early and stay late). Oh, and there's not 5 other kids having a party at the same time.
FWIW - if you do a Chuck E. Cheese type party, send the invite to the kids....you're not obligated to feed the adults, IMO, or I at least wouldn't worry about filling them up - maybe enough for 1 slice/person.