Health & Exercise

Looking for a feeding schedule...solids only at bfast and dinner?

My baby is 5 months and I've been feeding her solids for about a month now. I follow thebump food tracker for what she should be eating, but I'm having trouble getting the forumula amount in.

 Would anyone like to share your feeding schedule for your 5-6 month old?

This is our current schedule:
7:30 a.m. -
2-4 oz. formula + 1/2 stage 2 veg + 1/2 rice cereal w/ 1/2 stage 2 fruit

10:30 a.m. -
7 oz. forumula

1:30 p.m. -
7 oz. forumula

4:30 p.m. -
7 oz. forumula

6:30 p.m. -
1/2 stage 2 veg + 1/2 rice cereal w/ 1/2 stage 2 fruit

7:30 p.m./bedtime -
2-4 oz. formula

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