My son only goes to half day pre-k. He has ALWAYS been an early riser (6-6:30 am). He goes to bed between 7:30 and 8. He also has some special needs. I've really noticed that his hyperactivity and irritability increase by 4 when he is saying, "I'm tired." If he naps he isn't asleep until 9:30! How do you deal with these issues? DO you 4-5 yo's nap? I am not looking forward to next year when he goes to full day Kindergarten. It'll be almost impossible to get him involved in any activities because he is so tired.
Re: How do you deal with an over tired pre-k child?
When my son is overtired and/or unruly etc., I find that it helps to get him engaged in some type of quiet activity that he can focus on and will keep his interest . Examples would be play doh, cutting with scissors, coloring, stringing cheerios on pipe cleaners, reading books, listening to audio books, transfering items from one container to another using tongs.
Something to think about. I want to make sure he is getting enough sleep because the effects his behavior both at home and school.