TTC after 35

New Doctor - preconception meeting

I'm looking to change doctors to someone that is more convenient to me and where my office is located. A few friends went to this doctor, and the facility is brand new, so I figured why not look into making a change before I get pregnant (assuming that I'm able to! :)

Anyways, last month I did a partial chart on CM but no BBT or OPK. Last month my EGCM was on day 18 and 19. Since I didn't use BBT or OPK I can't cross confirm anything for September Cycle. AF came on day 28, which led me to assume that I had a Luteal phase of 9 or 10 days?!

So this month, I'm using BBT and OPK in addition to tracking CM. Still no smiley faces on my OPK but I think I had a bunk test yesterday b/c I got an error message in the morning, and then tested mid afternoon after only 3 hours of waiting. Still no smiley face today. I'm getting EGCM on Day 18. We'll see what happens tomorrow, and how many days till AF comes (typically 28-35 days.)

So after that long explanation, should I mention my concerns about a short luteal phase tomorrow to my new Doctor (I assume I will only meet with a NP). Or does that seem like I'm being over paranoid about short Luteal phases after only tracking CM one month.


BTW, I'm ordering the CBEFM for sure... it looks like it lets you test with FMU? That would be so much easier


Re: New Doctor - preconception meeting

  • Yep, you use FMU with the CBEFM. It's hard to say about your luteal phase; may not hurt mentioning it though. My guess is the new doc may not think much of it since you only have a little bit of 'history', but who knows.
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