Did anyone read this? I am wanting to hear good and bad about it.....I still co-sleep with my 3 yr old and want to try and learn how to get DD to sleep on her own, as I am in a mess with DS.
I know she is too young now, just thinking ahead....
Re: Babywise
I've read babywise and I think it has some really great valid advice. However, I think the baby whisperer is a better book. They both are about putting the baby on a routine, but I much preferred the baby whisperer. It isn't as rigid. The main thing I took from both books was to not nurse the baby to sleep. It's a great thing to be able to put a baby in the crib while he/she is drowsy and have them fall asleep on their own. They both implement the 'eat-activity-sleep' method.
And she's not really too young to start now.
good luck!
I did it with my DD and it worked great. I know several others who have done it with good results too. The big thing is getting them on a schedule and putting them down before they are asleep. You do have to be willing to let them cry a little bit-so just a warning, it is very controversial because of that. With my DD we typically let her cry, 5-6-7min. increments (assuming nothing else was wrong of course) and after thos three attempts we'd get her back up and assume she wasn't tired. I really think it only took 1-1.5 weeks to get her used to the routine and that was it.
With it, she was sleeping from 7:30-7:30 from about 14 weeks (although she was a very large baby so that made a huge difference too). To do this day, she's always gone right down. We read a story, rock for a minute, I say are you ready to lay down, she says yes, and down she goes. No problem. I consider myself truly lucky because she's two and it still lasts.