Even though I'm BEYOND excited to meet my babies, hold them and see what they are, I'm a little sad knowing that this is my last day of baby kicks and jabs. I may never experience this again. Normal?
totally normal. I loved being pg and miss my belly still.... i rememer that last day - thinking "this is the last time I"ll feel this"... I think it's different when you KNOW when you are giving birth - you KNOW your last hours of baby belly - and it's sad - esp if you don't plan to have more (like us).
best of luck- can't wait to hear the news!! So excited you made it so far!
I know what you mean, I was sad before my deliveries too. But, it's time to move on to the next chapter in your experience with parenthood. Good luck and congratulations!
My twins are 5! My baby is 3!
DS#2 - Allergic to Cashew, Pistachio, Kiwi
DS#3 - Allergic to Milk, Egg, Peanut, Tree Nuts and Sesame
Sending you prayers and best wishes tomorrow!! Congrats on going full term! You give so much hope to all of us who hope & pray for a healthy, 38 wk pg! Can't wait to hear the birth story and to see pics!
I can totally understand what you meant that this might be the only time you experience this. I'm so excited for you after following your blog! I can't wait to find out what you've got cooking in there! BEST OF LUCK to all four of you tomorrow.
Super exciting! Not knowing what we were having made meeting my babies that much more exciting (and a little less sad...how can you not miss those kicks and jabs...one of the best feelings in the world) Good luck!
totally normal. I loved being pg and miss my belly still.... i rememer that last day - thinking "this is the last time I"ll feel this"... I think it's different when you KNOW when you are giving birth - you KNOW your last hours of baby belly - and it's sad - esp if you don't plan to have more (like us).
best of luck- can't wait to hear the news!! So excited you made it so far!
My twins are 5! My baby is 3!
DS#2 - Allergic to Cashew, Pistachio, Kiwi
DS#3 - Allergic to Milk, Egg, Peanut, Tree Nuts and Sesame
Sending you prayers and best wishes tomorrow!! Congrats on going full term! You give so much hope to all of us who hope & pray for a healthy, 38 wk pg! Can't wait to hear the birth story and to see pics!
that's so crazy! tomorrow!
it's totally normal to be sad about the lack of movement. it's definitely what i missed most (and still do) about being pregnant.
good luck tomorrow!
How to tell my boys apart
The different types of twins and triplets
Jack, Sydney and Carynne, Annaleigh, JW, Eden...forever in our hearts.
My blog * We made the national news!
tomorrow? wow it came up so fast!
Good Luck tomorrow! I can't wait until you tell us about the babies!!
Super exciting! Not knowing what we were having made meeting my babies that much more exciting (and a little less sad...how can you not miss those kicks and jabs...one of the best feelings in the world) Good luck!
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