DH did go to the appt. with me. He didn't go in the room while they were doing the HSG (nurse said he could), but I didn't want him too.He just would have given the Dr. the stink eye. Anyway I didn't think that it was that bad, but others have found it somewhat painful.
My DH didn't go with me. I found it to be just like a Pap... only virtual on the screen. You might have some cramps after and some minor bleeding. I went to work right after mine. Make sure you take some pain killers and hour before.
i was one of the unlucky ones that it hurt like heck. my cervix is tilted so they had a hard time getting the catheter in.
if not contraindicated take some aleve or advil about an hour before. bring a pad because the dye leeks out after words. and bring socks because the room is cold.
good luck
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Hi! I had my 2nd one yesterday. DH came the first time. If he can't come you'll be ok. They likely will not let him in the room and it probably isn't anything either of you will want him to watch. It seems like if the xray is clear, it isn't painful. my first one showed endo and partially blocked tube and it was uncomfortable for quite a while after. I had a lap in July and yesterday's xray was clear and it stopped hurting before I even got off the table.
TTC since September '08
After 2 m/c - lap for stage 3-4 endo
Oct '09 Bravelle w/Ovidrel trigger - iui on 11/07
My DH did not come and I didn't mind. Take a healthy dose of aleve/advil ahead of time. It is very painful but only for a few minutes. I didn't have any cramping or discomfort after either. Good luck!
Did mine solo and then went to work. I found it to be uncomfortable when they are in the process of doing it, but by the time you get off the table you're ok. Agree with everyone before about the Aleve (my dr has you take 2 tabs and hr before the hsg).....Good luck!
1 ectopic 3 m/c's prior to 5/05
Un-freaking-explained IF
5/05 IVF, BFN
9/05 FET 3d5e, BFP = Beautiful Baby Girl (lucky pg #5)
8/08 Fet 3d5e, cp
12/08 IVF with PGD, transfer 3, BFN
5/09 FET transfer 4, BFN
Hail Mary IUI with Follistim 9/11 BFP; 9/22 confirmed tubal/MTX
4/10 FET 3d5e, BFP!!!! m/c 5/26/10
1 year break and yet another m/c 5/11
FET #5 initial beat 121, second beta 7
Lap and removal of L tube and very mild endo 7/11
Suprise BFP 12/11 & m/c @ 8 wks.
After 11 losses and one beautiful miracle our journey is over, we are thankful and at peace.
My HSG was way more painful than a pap smear, though, I have to say. Some pretty sharp cramps, but that was the extent of it--and it was cool to see the dye go through on the monitor screen.
Best of luck!??I'd say take Aleve or Advil an hour before, I didn't do that, maybe it would have helped.
I had one done 2-3 weeks ago. I was more nervous about the unknown then the actual. I took motrin the night before and 2 hours prior to procedure. My DH couldn't go so my sister went with me. She was not able to go with me during the procedure.
I felt some discomfort but it was quick. I went for a walk that night and the next day I felt a little sore. Overall not as bad as I thought.
My DH drove me - but they wouldn't let him in the room. I took 800 mg of advil an hour before (just make sure you eat something with it - otherwise that much advil will hurt your stomach).
I just had mine yesterday. It was not bad at all. The doc screwed up the cath the first time and had to re-do it (put the speculum back in and left it there). It was still no worse than a pap smear. I had mild cramps last night. Not even as bad as normal AF cramps. Good luck to you. Hope you get good news.
DH did come with me b/c he was interested and wanted to support me. I drove there and met him straight from work. We both drove home our separate cars. It was nice to have him there.
My advice is to relax. I got really freaked out about it after googling it and reading some bad stuff. I got all worked up for no reason, thankfully.
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My DH did not go and I was fine...take 800 mg ibuorofen before and it should be OK...mine was slightly unconfortable and I had some cramping afterward.
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My DH did not go and I was fine...take 800 mg ibuorofen before and it should be OK...mine was slightly unconfortable and I had some cramping afterward.
This. I had no cramping the day of the HSG, but a little the next day. I took advil and was fine. GL!
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Good luck! I was so nervous about it too, and it did hurt but only for literally one second when they put the catheter in, and then the pain was over. I didn't have any pain when the dye went in, and I do think there was something blocking my tubes as I got pregnant that cycle after trying for 18 months. My DH came with me to the hospital but not with me into the room. I didn't have any pain or leakage afterwards but I would recommend taking three advil beforehand. Good luck! It will be a huge relief when it's over!
Re: HSG tomorrow.
DH did go to the appt. with me. He didn't go in the room while they were doing the HSG (nurse said he could), but I didn't want him too.He just would have given the Dr. the stink eye. Anyway I didn't think that it was that bad, but others have found it somewhat painful.
Good luck.
i was one of the unlucky ones that it hurt like heck. my cervix is tilted so they had a hard time getting the catheter in.
if not contraindicated take some aleve or advil about an hour before. bring a pad because the dye leeks out after words. and bring socks because the room is cold.
good luck
DH did not go with me. ?
My HSG was way more painful than a pap smear, though, I have to say. Some pretty sharp cramps, but that was the extent of it--and it was cool to see the dye go through on the monitor screen.
Best of luck!??I'd say take Aleve or Advil an hour before, I didn't do that, maybe it would have helped.
I had one done 2-3 weeks ago. I was more nervous about the unknown then the actual. I took motrin the night before and 2 hours prior to procedure. My DH couldn't go so my sister went with me. She was not able to go with me during the procedure.
I felt some discomfort but it was quick. I went for a walk that night and the next day I felt a little sore. Overall not as bad as I thought.
My DH drove me - but they wouldn't let him in the room. I took 800 mg of advil an hour before (just make sure you eat something with it - otherwise that much advil will hurt your stomach).
I didn't think it was that bad. A lot like a pap.
Good luck!
I just had mine yesterday. It was not bad at all. The doc screwed up the cath the first time and had to re-do it (put the speculum back in and left it there). It was still no worse than a pap smear. I had mild cramps last night. Not even as bad as normal AF cramps. Good luck to you. Hope you get good news.
DH did come with me b/c he was interested and wanted to support me. I drove there and met him straight from work. We both drove home our separate cars. It was nice to have him there.
My advice is to relax. I got really freaked out about it after googling it and reading some bad stuff. I got all worked up for no reason, thankfully.
My DH did not go and I was fine...take 800 mg ibuorofen before and it should be OK...mine was slightly unconfortable and I had some cramping afterward.
This. I had no cramping the day of the HSG, but a little the next day. I took advil and was fine. GL!
As many others have said, it was painful for a little bit, but then the pain stopped after the procedure stopped.
I took 3-4 advil an hour before, and that helped.
Hours later, I did have cramping again, but I think that was because I had another procedure the day before. I would not schedule back-to-back again!