I called the shelter that we got our troubled dog from 5 years ago. I spoke with a behavioral specialist (I think that is what they called her). I explained everything that we have gone through with the dog and everything that we have tried.
Her response was that it was their fault for giving him to us when he was not suitable for placement. That we gave him 5 years that he probably would have never had otherwise (he was a stray that was going to be put down at a smaller shelter). That if we keep him and he bites someone else, we could be sued for everything we have. She said that I should think about it and call back to make an appointment to have him euthanized.
I don't know what to do. I am so sad. This is the hardest decision I have ever had to make being an animal lover. I would take them all in if I could, even the troubled ones.
Re: Ladies, I need a pep talk :(
I don't know your story, has he bitten people? If you have tried everything and he is a risk to you, your children, and others, you have to do what is best - even if it is hard.
I'm so sorry. We also had a foster dog a few years ago with severe aggression issues (fear and food aggressive - almost bit a co-worker of mine and had a few scary close calls with others). We tried everything - all sorts of private training sessions, meetings, etc. In the end we realized that there was nothing we could do to help her, and it was putting people we knew (and strangers) in a dangerous situation.
We actually relinquished rights through the dog rescue agency that placed her with us and she was sent to "doggy rehab" for lack of a better word. It was a place where they took the most aggressive/difficult to place dogs to try and rehab them as much as possible. Poor thing - she was so sweet and little - a Jack Russel and Basset mix - but she had major issues from abuse in her past. So unfair for her. They worked with her for a long time, but in the end her aggression was too much and they ended up putting her down. At least I knew that we gave her every possible chance. I mean, the place she went to existed purely to keep from putting dogs down... If they couldn't help her, no one could. It was still devastating, and is so hard because you know it is not the dog's fault - they were dealt a crappy hand. ((hugs))
I'm so sorry. That has to be so hard! Have you tried any other organizations?
I think she's right about him being a liability to you, though. Not to mention a danger to your kids and others.
I know it will be tough, but if no other organization will take him, I do think euthanizing him will be the right thing to do.
He bit someone he doesn't know that came into your house without knocking or being announced? I wouldn't be surprised if my dogs did the same thing. Well, Suzy would; Chopper would probably do his wiggly dance and beg for snuggles.
Has he bitten other people? Does he bite the family? I don't think I'd jump to euthanizing him until I talked to a good behaviorist.
I thought this too, but didn't she say he's bitten before? What if her child has a new friend over to play, and the friend opens the door to the dog's room? Would the dog bite that child? This sounds to me like more than typical guard dog behavior.
I do think it's a good idea to talk to someone else about it, though.
Been there, done that and while it was the hardest decision we've had to make, deep down in our hearts we feel (DH & I) that we did what was right for our family. We had a doberman mix who bit our neighbor - a bite which required a hospital visit and many stitches. She sued us and got $69,000 (through homeowner's insurance but still). Our homeowner's dropped us because we wouldn't get rid of the dog. We also got ticketed by the city. Then when DS #1 was 5 months old, this dog nipped at his face - didn't leave a mark or anything but it was a very scary moment for us. In both instances I believe it was the surrounding circumstances that caused the actions (we also have a black lab mix that is also aggressive) but you can only justify it so much. I spoke to many behavioral therapists and many different organizations - nobody would take him because of his bite history because it became a liability for them. The dog trainers told me there was stuff I could try and it would take a lot of time and dedication on our part but in the end, you could do all of that and there was no guarantee that the dog wouldn't bite again.
We decided to put him down and do what we felt was right for our family. I could not live with the "what ifs" and DS being there. I would've never forgiven myself if something worse were to happen. I'm glad we did what we did because I see how the boys are now with our lab (who is very tolerant of them) and the dobe just never would've been that tolerant.
I'm sorry, I know this wasn't a pep talk but more of a I can sympathize with you for what you're dealing with talk. It's not an easy decision to make by no means but sometimes you have to look at the bigger picture and weigh all the options.