Baby Names

Opinions on Indian names?

Our little guy will have an Indian name, but we've always struggled with boy names. Our 3 year old DS is Kiran. I'm set on Avi (UH-vee) for #2, but DH thinks that it should be short for a more "formal" name. I really dislike Avinash, which is the natural choice. What do you think of these:

Naveen - we'd still use Avi

Anand (AH-nund)

Kavi (KUH-vee)

Nayan (rhymes with Ryan)

Just FYI, I'm also stuck on Avi because it flows with our names. Mine means sky in Hindi, DH's means moon, DS's means ray of light, and Avi means sun.

 Any other suggestions? I don't like/won't use any form of Raj, Ajay, Vijay, Rohit, Rohan, Sumit, Amit, Ravi

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