Okay, so MIL came over to watch Sheri while DH and I went to a concert last night. We got home around 11:20 and imagine our surprise when we walk in to find DD awake sitting on the couch with MIL. Her reasoning? 'She never went to sleep. Wha?!! She's not going to take herself upstairs to bed; YOU have to do it!! I also don't think she fed her; the 1/2 jar of food in the fridge was still at about the same level and it dosn't look like she fed her something else instead. I guess she got a bath- her robe was downstairs and she was in too-small pjs when we got in last night. DH kind of joked that they (SIL apparently came over after we'd left) kept her from choking on anything while we were away. This just annoys me and it reinforces why I'm always wanting to drop Sheri off with my mom who will feed her, play, read stories, handle bathtime, proper pjs and bedtime. MIL seems to just kind of want to cuddle with her and redo her hair. I appreciate her offering to watxh the baby and I love her, but this is ridiculous!
Re: MIL vent