I haven't had the flu in about 15 years. I started feeling crappy last night and feel way worse than a normal cold today, but I don't have a fever. I do have the chills on and off. I'm looking for stories of how your flu started, and how you knew for sure what it was. I have a super busy week but don't want to drag the kids to school and dance class and everywhere else if I am a pit of pandemic germs. Also, how long did it take for everyone in your house to get it and get over it? We leave for Disneyworld on the 21st and it would suck to drag kids with the flu there.
Jenni ~~Alex & Avery ~~ 6/13/06~~Adam ~~3/26/08

Re: If you've had H1N1, please come in.
3 of us have had it--started on Tuesday night for me with a slight sore throat, Wednesday I had a cough, and by the afternoon I had the fever, chills, pain. By Friday the fever and pain were gone, I'm left with draining sinuses and a different cough than what I had.
Ethan had a fever, went away for 24 hours, got a fever the next day, threw up once, and has been fever free for 24 hours again.
DH had dizziness for 3 days, now he has a fever and pain, chills.
The girls haven't gotten it yet--I either hope they get it now or not at all.
I think I had it... did not go in to be tested. if it's still early (first few days) check with your doctor about tamiflu.
mine started out with congestion, sore throat, chills, fever, headache, muscle aches, malaise... I felt terrible for about 4-5 days... then eased up but had a cough for about 2 or 3 wks...
My dr is pretty sure I had it, but the stupid ER dr never tested me for it.
Mine was BAD. I started with congestion, and hard time breathing. Then on a Friday night I had a 102 fever. I was going to go to the walk on Sat morning. I woke up over night with chest pains, and arm pains. Went to the ER. 104+ fever.
I was given pain meds for my back, because I threw it out while coughing. then on O2 for hours because my levels were WAY low.
I was given chest x-rays which turned up fluid in my lungs, but they said it could not just be pneumonia due to such a high fever. I proceeeded to get sick ALL day. Then they just let me leave. It was strange. Gave me some meds and said you are all set, even though my O2 levels were low without the oxygen.
I spent, Sat, Sun, and Monday in bed ALL day. i left to throw up, and drink some gatorade. On Tuesday I was ok enough to bring DS to school, pick him up and put him to bed. He woke early from his nap so I called DH home. Same on Wed. Thursday I was ok, and Friday I did make it to my follow up with the dr when he was disappointed they never tested me for H1N1, because he was pretty certain I had it!! I had traveled from Nh to DE and stopped at a few rest stops and had been in a highly public graduation. That is why he thinks I had it.
I lost 5-6 lbs that week!1 great for my diet. Took me about 4-5 weeks to feel about 75% better.
Good luck, if you have a fever tomorrow go get tamiflu.