I found this on the synagis website:
Q. What should I do if my insurance won't cover Synagis?
A. While many health plans cover Synagis, the levels of coverage and the requirements for getting it can vary. If you're denied Synagis coverage or have questions about insurance, here are three resources that can help:
Synagis Reimbursement Hotline (1-877-480-8082)
For doctors, office staff, and patients who need assistance with patient benefit verifications, distributor triage, preauthorization assistance, denied claims and appeals.
MedImmune Assistance Program (1-877-480-8082)
For eligible patients who do not have health insurance (including Medicaid and Medicare) and are unable to get coverage for Synagis.
Patient Access Network Foundation (1-866-316-7263)
For patients with high co-pays and deductibles, this nonprofit organization may be able to provide support.
Hope it helps...
Re: If you were denied synagis...check this out
If you do call for assistance with coverage, please keep on them. Do not let them drop the ball or stall. We called last year and they stalled and stalled and never followed through. By the time they finally were (supposedly) on the verge of getting back to me about our case, RSV season was for all intents and purposes over. I was very disappointed. I don't know if it was just the year, the specific person our case went to or what. But I have a efeling that I needed to just be more assertive and keep on them and maybe something would have happened.
Good luck to everyone needing coverage this year!
We called our pedi last week and they told us that the rules with our insurance company had changed. They will only cover Synagis for up to 90 days from the day the baby is born. Last winter we denied because she was born at 35 weeks and 1 day. If she had been born at 35 weeks exactly they would have given it to us.
Our pedi brought us right in for a flu shot so hopefully if we keep on everyone about washing their hands we will be fine.