anywhere for a toddler besides payless? They only had larger sizes, have to try another one, wasnt sure if Target ot Meijer or similar acrried them..also need black plain leotard and "Theatrical pink" we go!!
Target has soft fabric ones, not leather ones. They come Small, Med, Large. The small is a 6-9, but too small for my size 7.5 daughter. I ordered nice ones online- super soft leather by bloch and they are much nicer than the ones we had from payless last season and cost less too!
As for leotard, its been very hard to find plain leotards here. Walmart used to carry them, ours now only carries fancy ones as does Target. Had to get ours at a dance store. Payless carries tights as does target but not sure if targets are theatrical pink or not. the danskin outlet carries as well if you have one near you....
A dance store is probably the best place to go for the shoes & tights. If you get cheap tights they'll get ruined really fast because the kids get down on the floor a lot. Ballet shoes only cost about $13 from a dance store. As for a solid black leotard, you can get that at WalMart for $7 or $8 (depending if you want short or long sleeved).
If you have time to order online, I second for shoes and tights. Their prices on leotards aren't too bad either.
Not sure exactly where you are in MI, I'm in Waterford and we use Trims & Togs for our shoes. I have found the plain black leotards at Meijer in both long & short sleeves. As for tights, get good ones, the cheapies at Meijer etc. will pill, pull and get holes. The Bloch Endura and the Capezio transitions are great for little ones.
Our dance studio requires split sole shoes, so we can't purchase from Payless and we can't have the shiny slipper type from Target or Meijer.
Good luck~as fun as dance is for my DD, it seems like I'm always buying something!
Re: Pink Ballet Shoes?
Target has soft fabric ones, not leather ones. They come Small, Med, Large. The small is a 6-9, but too small for my size 7.5 daughter. I ordered nice ones online- super soft leather by bloch and they are much nicer than the ones we had from payless last season and cost less too!
As for leotard, its been very hard to find plain leotards here. Walmart used to carry them, ours now only carries fancy ones as does Target. Had to get ours at a dance store. Payless carries tights as does target but not sure if targets are theatrical pink or not. the danskin outlet carries as well if you have one near you....
A dance store is probably the best place to go for the shoes & tights. If you get cheap tights they'll get ruined really fast because the kids get down on the floor a lot. Ballet shoes only cost about $13 from a dance store. As for a solid black leotard, you can get that at WalMart for $7 or $8 (depending if you want short or long sleeved).
If you have time to order online, I second for shoes and tights. Their prices on leotards aren't too bad either.
Not sure exactly where you are in MI, I'm in Waterford and we use Trims & Togs for our shoes. I have found the plain black leotards at Meijer in both long & short sleeves. As for tights, get good ones, the cheapies at Meijer etc. will pill, pull and get holes. The Bloch Endura and the Capezio transitions are great for little ones.
Our dance studio requires split sole shoes, so we can't purchase from Payless and we can't have the shiny slipper type from Target or Meijer.
Good luck~as fun as dance is for my DD, it seems like I'm always buying something!