Dallas-Fort Worth Babies


He tried to act all manly after he left the Boardroom aka (man salon).... He was all excited for his paraffin hand treatment with his haircut :)  I think he found his new salon.  Now if only I could find mine to get rid of these roots.

Re: LOL at DH

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    Cute! I wish my dh would do stuff like that. I keep telling him, he must get a pedicure one day :)
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    I made DH get a mani/pedi with me right before our wedding and he's still pissed.
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    I sent DH to the Gent's Club in Frisco for a facial and old timey straight razor shave and he was hooooked. 
    DD#1 is such a big girl! Image and video hosting by TinyPic Lilypie Maternity tickers
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    I made the mistake of doing a "couple's pedi" with DH a few years ago....now he begs me to go.  I likes to go more than I do.... I've created a high maintenance monster.
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    I sent DH to the Gent's Club in Frisco for a facial and old timey straight razor shave and he was hooooked. 

    I'll have to send dh there!  He took all of his groomsmen to get a straight razor shave before our wedding and he loved it.  He still talks about it almost 3 years later!

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    I wish DH would get a pedi! He went for his first massage ever last week for his 30th birthday and loved it!
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