I began having contractions along with a shortening cervix at 32 weeks. I went right into the hospital for 4 days and am now home on bedrest with some meds to keep from having contractions....I'm 2 weeks into my bedrest and have about 2 more weeks to go. My husband is being FANTASTIC and I really can't complain. But I also can't help some of my feelings...like, I'm so excited to be pregnant, especially so obviously pregnant = ) and I want to be out in the world!!! I feel like I'm missing out on such a special part of my pregnancy. Does that make sense? I had so many plans for these couple months and now I feel like they are being wasted. Of course, when it comes down to it, I know how important it is that I keep my baby healthy and 'incubating' as long as possible....aaaahhhhhhh....anyone have any thoughts?
Re: Anyone on or ever been on bedrest?
when I was on hospital bed rest, I thought of it this way: it's me on my back or my baby in the nicu fighting for his life. Obviously if you baby is in the hospital and you spend your days visiting him you are still missing out on your pregnancy- bedrest is best!
You're not really missing anything. On the bright side you don't have to worry about everybody, even strangers, coming up to you and rubbing your belly. Use this time to do things you haven't had time to do before like watch all the movies you've missed, read those books you've had stacked up for months, go to Hulu and see if there are any shows you've never seen before and would like to watch.
Seriously, when the baby comes, you will not have time for yourself for quite some time so just take advantage of it.
I was only on bedrest for 2 weeks - then my baby was in the NICU - and I too felt totally cheated out of my pregnancy. My showers were cancelled, and never did a stranger comment on my cute belly because it was just growing.
I know how you feel. Just remind yourself that you're doing the best thing for baby and try to make the best of it :-)