I'd love to get DS out. We're members of the Children's Museum and just went there last weekend, so I would love some other ideas. We've also recently been to the aquarium.
We live in the inner northern 'burbs, so it doesn't have to be right in the city. I wouldn't mind going for a drive if there's something nearby, either, like within an hour or so of here. Any thoughts? Anything in the area we should make sure we don't miss?
Re: Boston-area moms- what to do on a rainy weekend?
Alex (11/14/06) and Nate (5/25/10)
"Want what you have, do what you can, be who you are." - Rev. Forrest Church
Coco waterpark in Danvers
There is an awesome children discovery museum in Acton
Topsfield fair is this weekend
Come over my house!! We'll be bored too!
EDIT: Sorry for the duplicate, my computer is acting weird...
Coco waterpark in danvers
Children's discovery museum in Acton is awesome (there's an indoor sports park in Acton too)
I used to love the childrens area at the Melrose library
Come to my house! We're finger painting and playing indoor T-ball tomorrow.