I discovered a fake online account of someone pretending to be me. They had my photos, my business name, words straight from my blog, they were commenting and making friends as if they were me. I know this has happened to many other photogs, and I am not going to go into it all here. The account is down now, but I have to get this out because I am so angry right now that I could explode.
And before anyone starts telling me it's my fault for having my work out there, no it's not. I am not the one stealing from others.
Re: I am shaking mad...
Holy ***! Is this on the nest?
Soooo sorry=( I cannot believe how much this happens.
Ethan {1.11.10} & Malia {12.28.06}
You'd be amazed at what you can find when you google yourself.
was she making money off you too? How long was her site up?
Charlotte Ella 07.16.10
Emmeline Grace 03.27.13
No. This was just some loser who doesn't have a life. She has talked with me on email, and even after I ripped her a new a-hole multiple times she is still making excuses. I don't know how long it was there.
Liam is 5!
That is sickening. People never seem to stop amazing me at the things they do.
Can you pursue charges against the person? Did you confront the psycho?
Well wtf?! Still making excuses even after being caught? What possible "logic" could she put on this?!
I emailed her right away because I knew she had been through it recently. I haven't heard back from her, but I know she is super busy right now.
this! You should c&p her emails to you!!! For our entertainment!!!! I mean, if she can C&P YOUR WORK and take credit for it and crap..then you posting her ridiculousness would be fun.
I am so sorry. I would be fricking livid too.
Good luck to you! I am so sorry you are having to deal with this! (And now I understand that strange comment you made in the other photography post.)
You can sue her. Well, I'm almost positive you can. And you can get financial retribution for any money that she potentially "took" from you by having this "business."
That's so dumb of her! Why would she do it? I don't get it.