
anyone had strep and not give it to their kids?

I have it and am terrified I'm going to pass it to everyone. My little guy gets sick so easily I'm sure he'll get it. I've been trying to not kiss them and we sanitize often but I BF so it's hard not to deal with the baby a lot.

Re: anyone had strep and not give it to their kids?

  • Is there anyway that you could pump and have someone feed her with a bottle. You really do not want the baby to get it.. Just in case, get lots of popcicles and ice cream
  • I had it last year. It was hard, but not impossible. I wash hands frequently and was on antibiotics and that helped clear it up fast. DD didn't get it.
    Audrey Elizabeth 11-11-06 image
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  • The last time strep went thru our house (winter of 2007) we ALL got it...even the dog.  Yup, the dog had to get antibiotics, too! Our 2 DD's could just NOT shake it, so our doc asked if we had pets.  Long story short, we had the dog tested for strep & he was indeed positive.  I had heard of dogs being strep carriers, but never thought we would be in that situation!   I have never been that sick in my life.  The difference there was that our kids gave it to us.  I would like to think that had I been the one to initially have it, I could have contained it.

    GL!  I hope your little one doesn't get sick!!

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