
Do you vaccinate when DC is sick??

Took DS #2 for his 15 month well visit yesterday.  He's had a runny nose since Monday, started coughing maybe yesterday (a little congested) and turns out both ears were infected when the pedi checked them.  She brought up what shots he was due to get and I say that I was going to skip the shots since he was a little on the sick side.  To me it just seems that a cold would mean his immune system isn't 100% and vaccinating him wouldn't be the best idea.  The pedi says, "well, just to let you know, a cold like that isn't really grounds to not do the shots - the only time we wouldn't vaccinate is if the child was sick enough to be hospitalized."  Or something roughly along those lines.  She didn't push me to get them and I didn't end up doing them.  He has to go back in 3 weeks for a recheck of his ears and I don't mind taking him back to get a shot or 2 if need be.

Just curious what others take is on that :)

Re: Do you vaccinate when DC is sick??

  • I wouldn't have DC vaccinated when they're sick. I totally agree with you!
    Sisterly love--Sophia (1/14/07) and Baby Margaux (7/13/10) image Doctor in training! :)image
  • Simple runny nose - I would get the shots.

    Runny nose, cough, and ear infection - I would wait.

    I am about as pro-vaccine as you can get :)

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  • where Makayla goes, she doesn't get shots if she has a fever. A runny nose I would get them, but a cough or I would have skipped them.
    Matt and Krystal 9-18-05
    DD 1/29/07 -

    BabyFetus Ticker
  • My pediatrician won't give her any shots when she is sick at all. 
  • I don't for the same reasons you suggest. But, your pedi is giving you the same advice that the CDC gives, so she isn't off base. I used to work in a rehab hospital.  Even there, in most cases, they vaccinated babies/kids that were in need.  These were babies and kids that were in in-patient rehab for things like head injuries, near-drownings, spinal cord injuries, etc. 
  • I would never vaccinate a sick kid!  Besides, if they might need antibiotics that would counteract the vaccine so you would have to redo that vaccine, at least that's what my pedi said!
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  • My son was scheduled for his 18 month well visit yesterday and vaccines but he is sick with an ear infection and fever so the doctor would not do the shots so we didn't do them..
  • DD got her flu vac on day 4 of antibotics after a diagnosis of Bronchitis, the onset though was 8 days prior to the shot.  She was just getting better and it didn't impede her recovery. 

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  • No, and with as often as DS get sick it's hard to schedule! I make sure there's a least a week or two of him being healthy/fever free before giving him any vax.
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