It went well. Since I had some bleeding this past Saturday, they decided to avoid that area and went in through my stomach both times. It was truly an unpleasant feeling, but not that bad. The first needle was more in the center of my ute and it didn't hurt that much, just a lot of pressure and a some burning that went away within 3-5 minutes. The second one was to the left and a bit lower than the first one and it really hurt. The good news is that the needles didn't go anywhere near the babies. Thankfully, I've also had no bleeding or any major cramping since. Went to my MFM today for a routine check up and when he did an u/s he said that he couldn't even see where they took the samples from -- there was no inflamation or anything. I know I'm not completely out of the woods with regard to possible complications from the procedure, but I am hopeful that all will be well.
So now we wait for the results. The preliminary results come in on Monday late afternoon.
Re: Had my CVS procedure yesterday