DD is 2y and 8 months and the new baby is coming in mid-March.
DD only uses a paci to fall asleep in bed (it falls out during the night and she doesn't normally find it or cry for it). She doesn't take it to daycare for naps, but she gets it at naps on the weekends.
I'm not big on the 'over 2 and the paci is horrible' but I think I would like it gone around 3.
Any advice? Suggestions? Judgement, lol?
Re: WWYD? 2y 8m DD and Paci
DS got rid of the paci about that age. Maybe a little older
He wasn't using it at daycare, either. So I just stopped giving it to him at home, and he didn't ask for it. It was actually pretty easy.
No judgement, we all pick our battles. We took it away at 2 cold turkey. It may sound cruel, but it's what always seems to work best for BD. The first 2 nights were rough, but then he was done with it. Granted, this may not work for your DD.
My neighbor had her DD at 3 1/2 give her paci to the pregnant checkout girl at Target, saying the new baby would need it.
My other neighbor had a whole paci-fairy thing going on for 2 weeks. I thought it was a bit much, but it worked for them. She got the idea from supernanny (just took it a little bit further)
Good luck!
My advice is just get rid of it. Either hide it entirely and pretend you don't know where it is (then change the subject quickly if it comes up) or have a goodbye paci party.
It was my experience, and seems to be the experience of most on this board too, that it will be far less horrible than you're imagining it will be! In fact, I would say my experience was cake! Just take the plunge!