
Joining your ranks and scared to death

To we had our first ultra sound at 6 weeks and saw 3 heartbeats.  I have never been so excited and scared at the same time.  I am panicking and overwhelmed with it all. 

I am so worried about being at bed rest for several months. (i have a 2 yr old dd)
How will i take care of three infants and a toddler?

Will the babies be healthy?

How do you get three in and out of the car?

How do you feed them all?  I feels so overwhelmed i want to cry.  I know I am not the only one to have triplets but right now i feel like the only one (crazy i know)  I guess i am just hoping you ladies can give advice adn tell me it really will be ok.

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Re: Joining your ranks and scared to death

  • oh sweetie, I am terrified too!! congrats, but I understand the fear! My husband and I have just been taking it one day at a time. Maybe once we get out of the 1st tri we'll start planning ahead.For now we're still kind of shell-shocked.

    Here's the advice I've gotten so far:

    buy Dr. Luke's "When you're expecting twins, triplets, or quads" - it's a great book on multiple pregnancy

    join - lots of good info about trips (I've been too scared to read too much though!)

    your doctor may talk with you about selective reduction - be prepared for making that decision

    Good luck with everything!

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  • First, congratulations!!!  Second, there are several ladies with triplets and I'm sure they will be a big help.  Overall, it is normal to be scared and it will take time to adjust to the idea.  GL!
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  • My advice is to take it one week at a time right now.  So all you have to do is think about week 7 of your pregnancy.  Don't freak out about logistics - getting babies in and out of the car, feeding, etc - that will work itself out.  Trust me.

    It will be difficult for you to get around at the end of your pregnancy regardless of whether or not you are on bedrest.  Not every triplet pregnancy requires bedrest either.  I had to take it easy for the last few months - I made it to a day shy of 36 weeks - but I was never on mandated bedrest.

    Deep a deep breath and enjoy your pregnancy!

    Oh, and if you do get Dr. Luke's book, don't freak out with her calorie requirements.  Just try to eat as healthy as possible and listen to your body.  I didn't even know her book existed until after I had given birth.  My start weight was 105 and I gained 50-55 lbs.  My girls weighed 5.3, 4.13 and 4.13. 


  • Welcome and congrats!! ?I was terrified too, but it will pass, I promise!! ?Dr. Luke's book is great, also this site and joining a multiples group if possible. ?Getting help and advice from other MoM's is really helpful. ?Not that parents of singletons can't be helpful, but I find that I get more from talking with those who have done it. ?
  • Weclome and Congrats!. As the other said, take a deep breath. It's ok to feel this way right now. All the other stuff you have lots of time to figure it out.

    I also suggest Dr. Lukes book it's a great resource. is another. I found it and started to follow and read other moms blogs. All of it can be done. We are here for you and please ask lots of questions, I'm happy to answer them for you.

     We have three very healthy and happy toddlers and adding baby #4 in February.

  • Ok, first off, Calm Down!   Second, Congrats!  I tell people who ask me how I do it this "You just adapt to what you have to do".   And you will.  You just learn to figure things out.  Like feeding three babies.  I always held one and propped up a bottle for the other two, alternating which baby got to be held.   Or taking them to the car- I moved their carseats outside the door, locked it and moved each seat a little further together until we made it to the car.   Everything can be solved- it just takes a little while to come up with a game plan.

    Don't worry so much...just try to enjoy having those three little ones in you tummy for now!

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  • No further advice, just wanted to say welcome, congrats, and happy/healthy pregnancy to you. :)
  • Congrats, welcome, and do get Dr. Luke's book! Very helpful. :)
    fraternal twin boys born january 2009
  • I replied to your post above before I saw this one...sorry.

    Congratulations!  I know how scary it is to find out that there is three!  I don't have a toddler at home.  Initially it doesn't seem like it is real and its really hard to try to work out all the logistics in your head.  The thoughts can be overwhelming.  I can tell you that the fear for me has gotten better and I am now very excited to meet these little ones. 

    All the previous posters gave good suggestions.  I was able to find a local triplet mom group that gives me a lot of support and advice too (some of them also have toddlers and one had quads and a toddler).  They are still standing and they tell me it is hard, but its the most rewarding thing you'll ever experience.  Good luck with your pregnancy!

  • first of all...congratulations! it is absolutely a terrifying thing to find out. i was scared shitless when it happened. (my husband has said the month after we found out was the darkest of his life.) but we got used to the idea, and then excited. but always a bit overwhelmed. it's not easy, but's so worth it.

    don't worry about the details just yet. concentrate on taking care of yourself and your DD for now. you're giving her the greatest gift...three baby siblings! :)

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  • welcome and congrats! I am a SAIF'er, too. 

    Griffin was 2y2mo when the twins were born.  It hasn't been that horrible... but is certainly not easy. You just have to find your groove.  It also helps that Griffin is in daycare all week :) He'll be part time when i start back to work part time in Nov - so i'll have all 3 of the kids for 2 days/week by myself. It will be interesting i'm sure :)

    I'd start looking into preschool type settings for your toddler (if you are a SAHM and toddler is not in daycare already)... it will really help you to just have to deal with the babies for the first few weeks at least.  It's been really nice having Griffin in school all week during my maternity leave- because i can give the twins the attention I gave Griffin when he was an infant, and Griffin has MUCH more fun at school than he would at home with us all day!

    you will be just fine!! You can do it!

  • Lots of great advice has been given. I just want to say can do it!
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  • Congrats on your triplets!  I remember that same mix of excitement and fear when we found out we were having triplets.  For me, the more time that I spent on multiple message boards and reading other triplet blogs, the better I felt about everything.  Some of the previous posters recommended Dr. Luke's book -  it is a great resource and I highly recommend it.  Hopefully some other MoMs will post about having a toddler and triplets.  I have a friend who has a three year and 7 month old triplets and she is doing awesome with it.  It is totally possible to handle it!  

    As for your other questions, try not to get too bogged down in the details just yet.  I think that there is something about being a MoM in that you just figure things out.  And all the other MoMs on here are great about offering suggestions on how to get things done (i.e. feeding three at once, getting them on a schedule, getting out of the house with three babies) 

    I see that you are in Georgia -- are you in the Atlanta area?   

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