My neighborhood is the PTO. I have yet to get very involved, however am planning the Christmas gift basket auction, I was just curious to if I have over zealous moms in my neighborhood or if I am a slacker.
I knew I was having my surgery and had planned to get involved after I was back on my feet. I just feel guilty that I have not been at the school more doing the volunteer thing and all.
Re: Those with School age children how involved are you in school
I try to sign up for as many classroom volunteer positions as possible but I can't do meetings (no time and I hate committees). So I'm always the computer lab helper, room mom, volunteer reader, math game assistant, and field trip chaperone. I also volunteer with the librarian when she needs help.
With my older kids...a LOT. With these younger ones...not so much. Although with the older ones I never did much with their preschools...except field trips. Once they were in school (they went to a private school) I was lunch mom once a week, book mom once a month, playground dutie once a month (I hated that...especially in the winter...brrrr), and helped in yearbook (eventually became the yearbook sponsor organizing the whole thing). I was also on the parent council and the president of the parent council for two years. I was on PTA at my DD's high school (she went to public for the last 3 years). Oh...I also helped in extra curricular activites...usually in the kitchen during games (selling food and drinks) and taking admission money.
DD's class is filled with ultra-involved mom's so the teacher has to limit the time and activites we volunteer for.
I do little things for the class --- I just made up goody bags to send in for the Halloween party-- but I'm not involved w/the school PTO.
At my childrens school we are required to volunteer or else at the end of the school year you have to pay a certain dollar amount. They attend a private school.