
Terbutaline Pump

I am 29 weeks pregnant and had to go to the hospital b/c of contractions that were 3 to 4 mins apart this past Monday.  They were not able to stop them completely but got them to like 10 mins apart and now my cervix is starting to shorten ( I think like 2.7 or something down from a 5- 2 weeks ago). Now that I am back at home they have placed me on a terbutaline pump and I have a machine to monitor my contractions 2x a day. It makes me feel all jittery and nervous feeling and this is just my first day!

Just wondering if anyone else has had to be put on this pump and if so did it help and how long were you on it? TIA

Re: Terbutaline Pump

  • I wasn't on a terb pump, but I was taking 2.5 to 5 mg oral terb (and 20 mg oral nifetapine) every 4 hours after being released from the hospital for PTL.  I was in there from 22w until 29w on a cocktail of mag sulfate, nifetapine, and terb (both sub-cu and oral).  I took both drugs up until they took me off at 36w0d.  My contractions picked back up almost immediately after the last dose cleared my system.  My twins were born via c-section that same day!  Best of luck to you -- I know the terb makes you feel all shaky and jittery, but the longer you are on it, the less you feel that way!
    After 20 months TTC with PCOS, we were blessed with twins!
    They arrived at 36 weeks after PTL and bedrest for 14 weeks. Lilypie Third Birthday tickers image
  • I started to have PTL at 19 weeks, was in and out of the hospital on mag sulfate and nifetapine, until I got the Terb pump at maybe 21 weeks? It worked like a charm! Same thing, my contrax never went away completely, but they slowed way down, esp after I was on Terb for a few days. The side effects got a lot better, too. At some point (28 weeks, maybe?) I even came off the Terb for a while. I ended up delivering at 30w0d due to PROM. GL, I had a really good experience with the Terb Pump and the home contraction monitoring, I hope the same is true for you.
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  • My MFM put me on the at-home uterine monitoring at 26 weeks just to see if I was contracting.  The first day I had it, I ended up in the hospital overnight and had a few terb shots along with procardia.  The cx were about 5-6 minutes apart, and my cervix had shortened as well.  By Monday, I was ordered to be on the Terb pump at home (along with 30mg procardia 2x day), still monitoring 2x a day.  I did this from home for about a week, then had to go back to the hospital for high bp TWICE, and after my last trip to the hospital I was taken of the Terb for good (this was around 32 weeks).  I'm now 34 weeks 2 days, and things seem to be just fine with just taking procardia 2x a day.  There is hope for lasting a while even when you get all the fun "cocktails" from the docs!
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