
u/s with MFM tomorrow-questions to ask?

As of this point I've only seen our regular OB, but he is sending us to an MFM for all ultrasounds and any needed testing.

Our first appointment is tomorrow and am wondering if you have any suggestions for questions to ask? Our OB if fairly thorough and I trust his care, but are there things that the MFM will be able to go over with us that our OB will not? 


Oh, and hopefully we will be able to find out the genders tomorrow! :)

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Re: u/s with MFM tomorrow-questions to ask?

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    Maybe go over what your MFM's recommended course of care is for the remainder of your pregnancy, just so you're aware.  I guess the need for that question depends on how your MFM and OB are balancing all the little things.

    My peri sent over his recommendations for u/s and NST's, etc to my OB.  I'm already feeling like I need to keep an eye on it myself!  My next scheduled OB appt. is at 27 weeks, but my peri recommended my next u/s (at OB) at 26 weeks... which isn't scheduled right now.  I have to call my OB office, have them check my peri's schedule, and ask them to make sure I have an u/s scheduled.  Annoying!!

    Anyway, have fun tomorrow!

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    i don't see an MFM, but just wanted to say GL!
    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
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    We tend to ask our MFM the same questions we've asked our OB, just to get confirmation that we have the best information available. It also gives us an opportunity to discuss any discrepancies with both of them.

    If this is your first visit and you'll be seeing the MFM for all ultrasounds, I'd ask what their normal u/s schedule is (e.g. our MFM does periodic cervical length checks by u/s, growth scans, etc.). Also maybe ask how the office works (will the MFM see you every time, or do you sometimes only see a u/s tech for routine visits? our practice has the u/s tech do the initial scan and imaging, the MFM reviews the images, and then he comes in and takes a look himself). GL!

    married 03/08/08 -- ttc with PCOS (dx 2005) & DS
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    Off to my appointment, thanks for the suggestions!
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