one piece of leftover chicken? I know you were hungry when you got home at 10pm, but either eat all 3 pieces or just eat 1 and fill up on something else. Leaving 1 piece in the fridge sucks for me. We can't all have leftovers tonight now, can we? Now I get to cook a whole new meal, huh? Awesome. Thanks.

David "BD" 2/8/07
Spencer 9/12/11
Re: Honestly DH, what am I supposed to do with
you could have it for lunch.
I didn't know until just now when I talked to him and I'm already at work. Guess I should've checked before leaving this morning. Oh well. Maybe it'll still be good for tomorrow's lunch.
Could you shred it and use it in chicken tacos or quesadillas? Or maybe chicken soup?
Stretch it!!
oh - chicken tacos! thanks.
(This was more venting/sharing then anything. DH & I got a good laugh over it. Apparently not good enough for board however, hense the 1 star. Boo.)