I've been pumping since I had the babies. My supply never really came in that great, even with fenugreek and now domperidone. I tried bf'ing a few times but they are just not interested. I was hoping to keep taking the domperidone until it ran out, but last night I realized that this may be a losing battle. Everytime I think to pump it seems like one of both of them wake up and then I end up with a shirtful of milk. I'll try to pump before bed but with their schedules if I can get near my bed I just want to sleep. And when I do pump I'll get maybe 1 oz total, so they each get one meal a day from me.
Anyways, I feel like a complete failure, but I'm thinking of giving up. DH has been so supportive but he agreed it's probably time. I know this is silly, but I feel so guilty. I had just started getting over feeling guilty about having them so early, and how nothing went as planned. Now I feel like a complete failure that I can't even make milk properly for my babies.
I need a hug.
*Siggy Warning*
About me 2007: Started TTC. 2008: OB prescribed clomid, went to RE and was Dx with PCOS. 2009: IUI #1 w/follitsim and trigger = BFP. B/G Twins born at 33 weeks. 2012: TTC #3, Round 2 of Letrozole w/TI = BFP, missed m/c at 8 1/2 wks. Currently on the bench as we make plans for a new home. Anxious to start TTC #3 within the next year!
Re: I'm thinking of giving up (pumping)
i gave up pumping for the twins by 4 weeks... that's only b/c DH was home for 4 weeks - it would have been sooner if he went back to work sooner - bc the only way i could find time to pump was because he was home helping me.
don't feel bad- it's HARD, and sometimes it's just not worth it- if it's making you crazy and taking away time you could be more productive - then you will be happier to have that time (and your body) back.
ditto this but it was 9 weeks for me.
(((((HUGS))))). I know how stressful and guilt-producing the whole situation is. You have to do what is right for your family and then feel good about the situation because a happy mommy=happy babies. But whatever you do, don't feel like a failure. You have two wonderful babies and that takes a lot!!
FWIW, my DDs were born at 35w6d and didn't really "get" BFing until they were 39w. We used nipple shields for a little bit before that, but that's when they started BFing well without nipple shields. And yeah, I've had supply issues from day 1. I've finally decided that 9 months is the best we can do, and I still feel some guilt about it!
***Twin fraternal girls born at 35w6d in 12/2008***
You have to do what is best for you and your family. I will tell you what worked for me just in case you want to try it. It is what other triplet moms told me to do
I pumped right after I feed the babies, Every time they ate I pumped. Yes that meant that I would be up even longer, but to me it was worth it for my babies, they were so premature and they needed it.
And even if you are getting nothing out keep pumping, for 20 minutes. I had a hospital grade pump it was electric. I would just sit back and relax for 20 minutes while it did the work.
Do what is best for you. If it is not working do not let anyone tell you that you are a bad mom.. Good luck and God bless
I EP and I also pump right after I feed the babies. I never had any supply issues though, but if I find that I have one or two quick sessions - where I pump for less than 15 minutes - I will have to pump far longer at the next one to produce enough milk.
Other tricks: I will also bottle feed one baby while my DH feeds the other and pump one side with my free hand. Or I put them both in boppies to feed them and pump hands free. This takes just as long as feeding both and then pumping after, because I have so many adjustment breaks. You can buy a hands free bra or do what I did and sacrafice a sports bra. You also need breast shields and connectors that come apart and not the one piece ones.
Of course pumping may not be for you. I promised that I would make it to eight weeks, when I believed that I would be healed from a c-section, and able to assess what this would be like as a long term project. Over time EPing has gotten easier in terms of scheduling and supply but a much bigger drain of my time I pray that we make it to 6 months.
Do what is best for you, when you find the right solution for your family, and you are happy, then you can be that best parent possible. And making it all work is what is important, no matter how you do it.
I agree with all the posters, do what is best for you and your family