
How much to spend on gift for 3 yr old BD party?

We have several BD parties coming up for DS's little friends.  They are mostly people that we do about 1 playdate a month with.  How much should we spend?  We are friends with the parents too, but not too close.  If it weren't for the kiddos being friends, we probably wouldn't hang out.

Re: How much to spend on gift for 3 yr old BD party?

  • We're going to one this weekend.  I got her the Zingo Bingo game from Target (my dd loves it), and I think it runs around $20.

  • $15-$20 Especially if I have a few coming up. 
    Madelyn 3/1/07 image, Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker Lilypie Maternity tickers
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  • I think $20 would be my max.  That being said, we just had a 3 year old bday party and I bought her a little wooden paper doll set that was $10.  It's super cute.  I found it at target; it's their Circo brand and it's in the section with all of the wooden puzzles. 


  • I am pretty cheap if it's not someone we are super close with. Meaning if we don't see them once a week. $15 max.
  • We have several birthdays amongst DS's friends (all within 5 weeks of each other) and we see them quite often. I generally spend between $20-25. But, if I only saw them once a month or less I'd probably spent $10-15. GL!

    ETA: There are several games out there for $10 or less. Such as Memory, Chutes and Ladders, Candyland, etc. Smile

    Kaden William 11/4/06 and Dawson Michael 6/30/10
    Dawson's first birthday - at the zoo
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