just wanted to thank everyone for the recommendation of the book. it is great!! it has been very helpful. as of now i'm doing ok, just tired and nauseas. the vomiting has got better after my OB put me on meds. we find out the sexes on oct 23rd. i can't wait!!!!! love reading this board. it is so helpful and interesting!!
Re: dr luke's book
Glad you are finding that book to be resourceful--mine is worn out cover to cover from consulting it for so many diff. things throughout this pg. I love it too! And this board is super handy when you have a quick question to fire off or need to hear personal experiences of what you may be going through yourself, too.
Happy to hear you are starting to feel better!! Hopefully you will get some relief in this 2nd trimester and get some energy back and that nagging nausea out of your system!
Exciting about the 23rd! Please keep us posted!!