
How do I know if I still have the stinger in my arm?

It's very itchy and where I got tagged is swelling again.  I tried digging in there last evening thinking I could squeeze and get tweezers and pull something out if it was in there but got nothing.  Only in the last hour or two it has started to swell

Re: How do I know if I still have the stinger in my arm?

  • When DD got stung they told me to run the edge of a credit card over it and that would scrape the stinger out.  Then to wash it with soap and warm water and put neosporin with pain reliever on it.  And to take benadryl if it was itchy or swelling. 
  • So if it gets in there or stays in there, it's not much of it then?  I guess then if there was anything, the digging I did, it would have come out.  Benadryl cream isn't doing anything for the itching.  I guess I'll be taking oral benadryl this evening then...good night sleep, here I come!!  Not that I have a problem with that anyway though...
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  • You would probably see it, they look like little splinters. 
  • I guess in another day or two it will start to get infected.  Then I'll know for sure, huh!


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