
Call doctor or wait one more day.

Mitch has "it" or being the swine flu the rest of us had last week.

His fever started Saturday night...he started puking (phlegmy...) and then Sunday was fine pretty much most of the day, played, ate, etc..... Sunday night, fever came back and he still has a fever today.  It's currently 102.6.

His cough is horrible, Every now and then he starts breathing sort of fast, but he doesn't have purple fingers/lips or anythign that makes me worry about his o2 levels....but the fast breathing bugs me.  and when he's coughing he sort of starts to choke from coughing so hard, coughing up so much crap....

He ate nothing yesterday..well one breadstick some milk and some juice...that is it for the whole day.  Today he's eating a bit, but not his usual. 

The thing that is weird is he has moments where he is clingy and needs held...then a minute later he is playing and you would never know he is sick....and of course THAT would be the moment we are seen by the doctor..when he's happy and playing....

So, do I give it one more day knowing they probably won't do anything anyways, or do I call.....

Re: Call doctor or wait one more day.

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