Was the baby early, late, or right on time (versus the first time around)?
Was the labor longer or shorter?
Did you have more or less complications?
Did you deliver vaginally, Csection, or VBAC?
Yep...labor is on my mind a lot these days :-) I know there is no way to plan....but I'm just curious what everyone's experience was the second time around.
Re: How did your 2nd labor compare to your first?
Probably the wrong person to ask LOL
C section both times
Second time complications-placenta previa delievered at 33 w 3 days
On bed rest in the hospital for 8 days
Recovery was a little harder, but it was probably because of all the stuff I had been through. They thought my uterus was going to be attached to the placenta. Glad it wasn't!!
Well, I don't have personally experience with that just yet... But I do have 2 good friends who just had #2 (both have kids 17 mo apart). I can tell you that for both of them, labor for #2 was shorter and "easier" (seriously, they both said it was much easier the 2nd time and recovery was easier). They also both delivered vaginally w/ each pregnancy.
For me, it really helps to hear that
Oh, and one of them was basically on time (w/in a day of due date) w/ both babies. The other one was about a week early w/ #1 and a day or 2 early w/ #2.
BFP 5/07 - Kylie born 2/08. BPF 2/09 - Alexandra born 10/09.
TTC since 8/13 - diagnosed difficulty conceiving due to LP defect. Took vitamin B and Vitex Berry to help lengthen.
BFP 2/14 - Missed M/C found at 8.5 weeks. D&C at 9w2d. Partial Molar Pregnancy.
BFP 11/14
My Pregnancy(ies) Blog
DD was 5 days late, DS was early (38w 6d) but I was induced due to an abnormal NST
Labor with DD was WAY shorter. We were admitted to the hospital around 3pm and she was born at 5:44pm with 20 minutes of pushing. With DS, I was admitted on a Monday night and he wasn't born until Wed morning with 2 hours of pushing
Less complications with DD,but again, with DS I was induced
Vaginally both times - with DD I had a 3rd degree tear and with DS a 2nd degree. I have big babies! (DD was 9lbs 7oz and DS was 8lbs 14oz). Even though with DD I had a worse tear, my recovery was way easier than with DS
DS 3.12.08
DD 7.11.09
DD 8.01.13
First baby was 10 days early. ?Second baby was 7 days early.
First labor was 36 hours. ?Second labor was 11 hours.
First labor had more complications in that I bled a TON during the whole 36 hours and wound up having retained placenta that needed a D&C at 10 wks pp. ?DS #1 also had a subgaleal hematoma and a broken clavicle from the way he presented in the birth canal. ?Second labor was short and sweet. ?Both babies required internal monitoring during labor because my anterior placenta made them tough to monitor. ?I also was GBS + with baby #2 so there was no laboring at home - as soon as my water broke we were hospital-bound.
Both babies were delivered vaginally.
DD -- water broke at 39w5d and born 39w6d. DS -- induced at 39w4d.
DD -- 22+ (almost 23) hrs of labor with 2hrs of pushing. DS -- induction started at about 10:30pm and he arrived at 9:46am. 14 minutes of pushing. I went from 4.5cm to complete in under 30 minutes with him.
Less complications the 2nd time around because I didn't push as long as therefore was less swollen. Bad thing? The cramping is MUCH.MUCH worse the 2nd time around. Percocets are glorious.
Vaginally both times. 2nd degree tear both times in the same place. It healed much more quickly the 2nd time aorund.
DD -- 5YO
DS -- 3YO
Right on time (same as last).
Shorter: 8 hrs vs. 12 hrs first time.
Less complications - no episiotomy or stitches!
Vaginally both times.
GL - hope your experience is easier, too!
-I was induced 1 week late with #1, with #2, I went into labor on my own and had him on my due date!
-My labor with #1 was 5 hours from start of induction to birth. With #2, I started contracting at 10pm the night before, went to the hospital at 6am, and had him at 3:56pm later that afternoon
-No real complications with #1, no serious complications with #2 other than my blood pressure dropping way low due to the epi and then issues with his heart rate- which was super scary b/c seriously, 10 people came flying into my room all at once, they all looked very serious/worried, were talking amongst themselves and no one was saying what was wrong/what was going on.....other than that, everything was great.
-I delivered both boys vaginally.
Enjoy your experiences, it goes by sooooo fast. i'm wishing for another already!
-- #1 was born at 38w5d; #2 was born at 38w4d.
-- With DD, my water broke and I didn't start contractions, so I ended up on a Pitocin drip and gave birth about 12 hours after my water broke. With DS, I started contractions around 1:30 a.m., got to 5 minutes apart around 5 a.m., and had him at 3:18 p.m. So I guess I was technically in labor longer with DS, but I didn't have to have Pitocin and I'm really thankful for that.
-- With DD, my complication was the lack of natural contractions. With DS, I asked for an epidural so I could get some sleep (I'd gotten about 3 hours of sleep the night before and hadn't eaten in about 16 hours), and it made my blood pressure drop, so I ended up on oxygen for an hour or so. Both of them were pretty easy deliveries with minimal tearing.
-- I had vaginal deliveries both times. DD came after 45 minutes of pushing; DS was here in 2 pushes.
#1 was born at 33w6d and #2 was born at 39weeks.
#2 was much shorter. I was in labor with #1 for 31hrs and only 8hrs with #2.
I didn't have any complications with either other than DS being preemie.
Both were delivered vaginally.
Was the baby early, late, or right on time (versus the first time around)? She came right on her due date! The third was 11 days early.
Was the labor longer or shorter? Much shorter. My first was not long. Started at 2am had the baby just before 10am. My second started at 3pm and I had her just after 7pm. My third was a lot longer. I hear that is normal. My third labor started 10pm and stopped and started a lot before I had her at 8am. I hope the fourth is another short labor!
Did you have more or less complications? I had not complications with any of my children.
Did you deliver vaginally, Csection, or VBAC? All vaginally.
I think my first two labors were great. My third was longer and harder I think. Good luck with your second. Hope it goes great!