Upstate NY Babies

how do i know if I am feeding too much?

Ethan is getting solids 2 times a day.  Each time he is eating a full stage 2 jar of food.  Is this too much? I also don't know if he is getting too much formula.  He has spit up twice today .  He hasn't spit up in weeks. when does this feeding thing get easier?

Re: how do i know if I am feeding too much?

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    The solids seem right on to me. Eve is still only 1x per day.. but she can eat a jar and a half of stage 1..

    The amount of formula I'm totally stumped on.. Yesterday she had something like 32 oz.. today.. she's only had 18 (she will have one more bottle yet.. but still).. I just don't get it.. Eve still spits up all the time.. even with "gentle" or "sensitive" formula.

    Melissa & Jeff 5-27-06
    m/c 1/2/08 and 3/12/08
    Eve Amelia- Born 2/24/09. 6lb 9.9oz
    Natalie Ruth - Born 6/13/11 7lb 6.6oz
    baby growth
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    I've always heard that at that age they will not overstuff themselves.  They will just eat until they're satisfied.
    Lilypie Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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    I don't ever think it gets easier. Even now, 1 morning Justin will have a whole banana, eggs and toast. The next day he'll just have some dry cheerios. It's so hard to tell. I was there was like a set rule. Like a handbook that said exactly how much to feed. I think your amt of food sounds about right.
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