Upstate NY Babies

Ear Infections

Just out of curiosity....has anyone's LO ever not have ear infections?

My nephew gets them all the time and my sister in considering tubes. Evan has never had one so I just can't relate to her, really. He had a cold in the spring and the doc said he may develop one - and to come back if we noticed any of the signs. But he got better and we haven't really thought about it since.

Just curious to see how normal this is since it seems like some kids just get a TON of them. 

Re: Ear Infections

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    Not one single ear infection in either of my kids.
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    <knock on wood> Justin never had one
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    Gavin's only had one and it wasn't until he was 11 months old.
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    Alexis had chronic ear infections that cleared up after we had tubes put in.  Emily, on the other hand, has never had an ear infection.
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    Has your sister considered taking him to a chiropractor? It worked wonders for Charlie, he got them all the time (like once a month). And now if he has one (and its not too bad yet when we catch it) I take him to the chiro instead of starting antibiotics & they usually go away.
    Charlie 11.01.07 ~ Paul 05.07.10 ~ Annaliese 02.24.12
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    She hasn't - but I have heard about this and should probably mention it to her. Her new doctor (she just moved to a new city) wants to try some allergy meds with him and wait on the tubes. I'd much rather him do the chiro thing since he reacts so poorly to antibiodics and shots, etc. 
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