
So frustrated with feeding issues :(

I am just so frustrated/depressed/annoyed with our feeding issues.  With the choking, gagging, throwing up, etc.  I just want it to get better.  Now she was diagnosed with mild reflux so along with the neosure for weight gain, we are adding rice cereal to her breastmilk & then giving her pepcid twice a day...  I really wanted to transition into breastfeeding since I have been pumping for 4 months now but now what's the point?  We have to add so much crap into her milk that it would be stupid to breastfeed.  Just another thing we miss out on by being preemie moms.  I am just so depressed & sad about it.

& I have read on here that the rice cereal no longer works in breastmilk after 5 minutes (it dissolves) & that the pepcid goes bad after 5 days (I have a 30 day supply) so I just feel like I am spinning my wheels (don't feel like calling my Dr. & explaining that my internet friends said lalala and what are you going to do to fix it--so tired of being that girl). 

We have an appointment with a GI Dr. on 10/21 so hopefully she will have some info for us but who knows--it's a 2 hour drive & then the first meeting is just a consultation with the nurse practioner so that sounds like a waste of time to me.

Sorry for being so negetive--just having one of those bitter kinds of days.

Re: So frustrated with feeding issues :(

  • I'm sorry, babe.

    I don't know much about the Pepcid, does it also go bad quickly, too. I only knew that about prevacid.

    Hopefully the GI doc will have better info for you. Don't count the NP out. I actually prefer the NP at our GI's office.

    I wish I could give you a hug. After everything we went through, our biggest battle turned out to be food.. and it's *REALLY* REALLY* frustrating. Something that should be so normal and innate.. and no one outside of us gets it.. "if she's hungry, she'll eat." Wellllllll.. not so much..


  • all thought im not any help i just thought that i would say that i share your pain! i completely unerstand what you are going through even though our issues are different they are just as frustrating! just hang in there and know that nothing is permanent and everything will get better slowly!
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  • I'm sorry :( I'm right there with you.  Being a preemie mom can be so frustrating.  It's so so difficult to watch your baby struggle with a necessary function. 

    As for adding rice cereal to the breastmilk - this is true - which is why our GI doctor told us to use Simply Thick.  Something to consider and never hesitate to ask your doctor if you have questions or concerns about anything!  That's their job and you might be glad you called.

    (((hugs))) I know you've been having such a difficult time.  I'll say a prayer that things get better soon.

  • i'm sorry to hear you're having so many issues...I hope they can solve it soon....i also hate calling and saying..:"I heard..."  because its usually stuff i heard on here...

    Where abouts do you have to go for the consult?

  • Rachel,

    Oh my gosh, I could have written this post exactly.  Baby J has the same issues, we are adding neosure to his bm as well as simply thick.  I also have to add sodium and potassium because he is on a diuretic.  My dream of successfully breastfeeding came crashing down when it became a safety issue for him. (He has severe reflux as well as vocal cord weakness due to PDA ligation, which puts him at risk for aspiration.)  He needs his feeds thickened so we have to bottle feed.  I have too pumped for 3 and a half months and have 2 freezers full of ebm.  I would really like to get him through the winter on bm instead of formula so I am still pumping.  At this point, I am taking it one day at a time, it is exhausting pumping, feeding, and taking care of him, as well as taking care of my other 2 children. I can't seem to quit the pumping thing though, no one else seems to understand. I'm sorry you're dealing with this too.  It stinks!

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