Our homestudy was turned in just about two weeks ago. Last Tuesday we got an email from the DA coordinator saying we are very close, that we'd be approved very soon and the next BM to view profiles would be viewing ours. Awesome! But I emailed her back asking a couple of questions early Thursday and still haven't heard back. Am I being impatient or does that seem a little long for no response? I'm starting to psyche myself out. How long did it take for your homestudy to be approved??
Re: No Patience!
It took about 6 weeks for our paperwork to be finalized after our last meeting. I would say no response to your email from last Thursday is annoying and unprofessional but I've learned that when dealing with the "professionals" of the adoption arena (speaking only of my personal experience) they are not held to standard operating procedures or business practices I guess you could say. I've waiting sometimes over a week for a response. Sometimes they definitely have a legitimate reason.
If you really need a response I would email again or give them a call. I don't think you're being impatient just human and excited about the next step.
Good Luck.
Patience in the adoption process can be the hardest thing!!! However, that does seem a little long. Do you have a case worker? I would call them. They understand the process and anxious parents waiting to be matched!!! Good Luck and I wish yall the best! Don't worry- all the waiting and worrying that y'all are doing now WILL pay off!!!!
My SW always takes a while to get back with me. I am dying over here b/c last Monday (after 4 1/2 mths of waiting for approval) our HS was supposed to be signed by the director. BUT our SW never emailed us to let us know that it got signed and then she informed us she would be on vacation the rest of last week .....
So today I checked my email and still nothing .... if she doesn't write or call in the morning I am definetly calling her.
Not to pick on you, but I still find this unacceptable in this day and age, and in an industry where emotions are so intense. If you have someone answering your calls, they should explain that you are out of the office and won't be able to return calls for several days. If your calls go to voicemail, your outgoing message should express the same. As for e-mails, it's easy in most programs to set up an out-of-office message that informs anyone e-mailing you of your situation. It's simple courtesy, and goes a long way to putting people at ease.