
Do any 4yo's use the computer?

Yesterday, DS and I were working on our computer.  I pulled up a Word document for him to play on.  He started typing his name, Mom, Dad, our last name.  I was so surprised!  He has a play computer, but has never used our computer before. 

If you DC's do use the computer, at what age did they start?

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Re: Do any 4yo's use the computer?

  • DS has a learning game downloaded onto our computer and whenever he wants to play it, he'll go over, boot up the computer, click on his learning game and start playing... he'll be 3 in two weeks and has been doing this since he's been about 2.5
  • DD started using ours around 3yo. Same thing, she loved typing words.

    She also plays some games online now too. (nickjr or pbs websites).


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  • I opened notepad on my laptop yesterday.

    She spelled her name (she can almost spell the whole thing by herself) and then I told her the letters for mommy, daddy, Grandma, and her cousins.  She loved it.  It was very cute.

  • Ethan plays games on the computer. 
  • DS has been playing on the computer since about 2. His favorite game/website right now is at We do the "ABCs" section and he just loves it. Thank you to the Nestie that originally posted a link to that site!
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  • DD is 3.5.  She likes to ask me to spell words on our computer.  She's know for a while how to type her own name but recently started typing my name, DH's name and DS's name.  (I've typed them 100's of times for her)  She also knows how to navigate with the touch pad on our laptop and she uses the mouse/keyboard to play games on her leap frog computer.
  • Amarah's been playing on the computer since she was 2 or 2.5. She likes to play games on and she uses the paint program and a few other games that came in a kid's meal. Now that she's learned to navigate she likes to "shop" on and let me know all the things she wants.

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