I don't even know how to start this post as I am tired of being tired and worried. The pedi thinks Carson has RSV/Bronchilitis. We are two weeks into this virus. Please read his sypmtoms and tell me if your dc had this, ws it similiar and how long did it take for dc to 100% recover?
Two weeks ago this past Sunday he started with a high fever (he gets high fevers so I wasn't paniked) 103.3 in the bottom - gave him tylenol to bring down the fever. When his fevers get that high he gets panty but when they come down with meds he is no longer panty. He also had a cough but nothing too terrible, put him to bed.
Monday morning (two weeks ago today) still had a fever but not as high and a cough, took him to the pedi and determined it was a virus. The pedi and myself noticed he was breathing a little fast but not labored so we both figured it was the virus and he could go back to school once he was fever free/happy. Went home ate lunch (he didn't eat much) and took a nap. When he woke up I took his temp (he was on tylenol) it was 99.0 but he was breathing heavy, I also noticed that he was pulling from his collar bone and that he was laboring to breathe. I freaked called the pedi who wanted to see him again and immediatley noticed that he was laboring. We tried a breathing treatment in the office (neubulizer) and that did seem to help but b/c this came on so fast we decided to do a chest xray/swab for the flu/ and a blood test (cbc). So off we go, cbc was normal, no flu, the chest xray showed swelling in his chest tubes, they were not concerned with pnemonia - he had no fluid or anything. They put him on steriods for 5 days and breathing treatments every 4 hours as needed for a few days.
Tuesday he seemed much better, fever was gone and I stayed home with him and did the treatments every 4 hours that he was awake.
Wednesday I kept him home one more day to watch his breathing. I noticed in the morning he was fast breathing again, so I took him back to the pedi, he wasn't wheezing but she did one treatment in the office and said I don't need to do anymore treatments as long as he was comfortable and he could go back to daycare.
Thrusday and Friday he went back to school, he wasn't himself energy wise but I expected that but he was breathing fine and did not need treatments, his cough was getting better and his congestion seemed to clear up 'some'. Over the weekend we kept it very low key. Mon, Tues, Weds of last week the teachers said they could tell he was still not up to par and that he would randomly cry for mommy or daddy - he never does this. His cough came back and his nose started up again, so Thurs I took him back and pedi put him on augmentin for 10 days b/c his congestion never truly cleared up. Friday at daycare the teacher said he cough all day. Saturday morning he was coughing bad and I noticed he was fast breathing AGAIN! Called the pedi, the nurse said to do a treatment and bring him in in the afternoon. His pedi pretty much diagnosed him with RSV/Bronchilitis and said in kids Carson's age this is just a really long cold and a nuisance, that it will take a good month to get over it. He put him on steriods again for 5 days to help with the cough b/c it was really messing with his sleep. I did 3 treatments yesterday and one this morning.
I am sitting around worring about walking pnemonia however two weeks ago with the chest xray this was not a concern but could it be now!? He has no fever, would he have a fever with pnemonia? He is still fast breathing when he is moving around or going up and down steps but what toddler isn't constantly moving. He was a fully developed newborn (40 weeks) so his lungs were mature. With all the "crap" he has had, his breathing has never been a problem. Whatever this virus was got down in his lungs, where his symptoms similiar to your dc's if they had this. How long did it take to be 100% again.
Thanks if you made it this far - I am tired and worried and just want my baby back to 100% again.
Re: Please read - I am worried.
Oh, the poor little guy
If you are worried about pnemonia, ask the pedi to take another look at his chest. If you are not comfortable with the treatment from the pedi, I would bring him to the emergency room. I hope he starts feeling better soon.
We haven't been in a similar circumstance, but I wanted to tell you I am sorry you and your little one are going through this. I hope he feels and gets better soon. Keep trusting your gut about what to do for him!
Both of kids have had this unfortunately. It almost sounds like he got sick back to back. We had to the breathing treatments too. But for them to work you really need to be consistent, like every 4 hours for a week. I not sure if you did that? It seems like you started and stopped. My Pedi usually tells me every 4 hours and then she will see them in a week and then we can wean.
It takes a while to clear up. For my son who is older son it seems quicker now, but with my 4 mo. old she had a lingering cough for almost 3 weeks. If you feel you arent getting proper treatment I would look for another pedi. Unless it is a true emergencey I would stay of out of the ER because of swine flu etc.
I hope he feels better soon!
My DD had RSV at 12 weeks old. She had a fever, cold like systems, coughing and labored breathing...all the things you described. A nasal swab confirmed that it was, in fact, RVS. Her pedi prescribed steriods and we administered nebulizer treatments around the clock (every 4 hours) for a good 3 weeks.
It can take 3-6 weeks for the virus to clear his system. His fever should break, but the cold/cough and labored breathing will continue. The best advice I can give is for your to continue the steriod treatment and keep on top of the nebulizer...even if you think he's breathing better. Keeping his airway open will help it pass more quickly.
And, FYI - children diagnosed with RSV can become more susceptible to respiratory illnesses (pneumonia, bronchitis, asthma, etc.) We have to watch DD when she gets a cold or sinus infection, b/c nine times out of ten, it turns into a chest cold. The nebulizer is our best friend.
I hope your sonn feels better soon. Just give it some time.
That sucks.
We had RSV/bronchitis back in January, and it took close to a month before everyone was healthy again. DS picked it up in the pedi's office at DDs 1 month well baby visit on 1/5. He got sick about 3-4 days later. He gave it to his 6 week old sister and my 74 year old mom. Even DH and I got it, but it was more of an annoying cold with us. DD needed a neb treatment, and was coughing so hard that she threw up a few times.
DS - December 2006
DD - December 2008
no i have not been doing the treatments every 4 hours, just as needed. but i have a call into the pedi today to talk about another chest xray and i will bring up doing the treatments for a week straight every 4 hours, sounds like that is a good idea.
the treatments is not a neubulizer, it is the inhaler that is hooked up to a tube with a mask on it. i have to hold the mask on him and give 2-3 puffs and have him take 5 good breaths with each puff. the treatments don't have a steriod in them, it just calms down the muscles to help with the cough and the wheezing.
he is not in emergency mode, i am all over him like flies on sh!t, lol. he is relatively happy. i just called dc and he is climbing and playing outside. i just know he is not fully recovered and it is driving me crazy.
i also caught the virus and had a deep/chest cough that has lingered like crazy. some how dh has escaped this whole thing.