Upstate NY Babies

? about internals-possibly TMI

I was sent to labor and delivery last night for contractions and they did an internal(2cm dialated, 70% effaced).  Since I had that done I have been having blood when I wipe.  Now I have passed 2 clots.  Is this normal after an internal?

My contractions are also closer together coming every 4-5 minutes.  Should I call my doctor about either of these?  I don't want to be sent there and have them send me home again


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Re: ? about internals-possibly TMI

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    Hmm tough call. If you're nervous I'd call.  I know that a little bleeding is normal after an internal and maybe the clots are part of your Mucous Plug. I don't remember how close is "time to call close" for contractions since I was a "broken water" labor.
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    I'd probably call.  I was having contractions 5 min. apart when I was admitted.
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    I'd call just to be safe. How exciting!
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    Thanks for the replies!  I called my doctor and they want me to head in a get checked out.  Hopefully I won't get sent home this time.
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    The blood after and internal is definitely normal.. I had some after the one internal I got from a less than gentle dr..  I don't know about the clots.. I didn't have any of those.. but I wonder if they could be just the regular blood that can come with going into labor?

    Sounds like you're definitely in early labor though.. Keep us posted!!!  You have my number, right?

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    The clots are probably your mucous plug.. they always say 'spotting' is normal.  But I don't know the specifics of the clots.. :)

    I would call your Dr about the contractions at least.  I had a really fast labor with my first baby and my water broke, so I don't remember when you're supposed to head in (like how far apart the contrax are supposed to be).  Call to be sure.. can't hurt to at least chat with a nurse real quick.

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