
Completely disgusted....

Today was SIL's wedding shower. It was mostly nice but a ton of work and I'm exhausted.

However, with my IL's there is never an event without drama, and I'm just disgusted by it.

BIL has a new girlfriend that we have met once.  He started dating her back in May, we met her in July.  She was extremely rude and hated SIL right off the bat for some unknown reason.  That day, she decided to make it known that she hated SIL and started a huge family war.

Now, she is angry that her family (parents and brother) aren't invited to SIL's wedding, who she hates and has only met once.  SIL has never even met this girls family. When IL's found out SIL wasn't inviting the girlfriend to the shower, they had a fit.  She wasn't inviting her because of the drama and because she doesn't know her and feels like inviting someone you don't know to a shower is tacky.

She finally gave in and invited the girlfriend, and BIL asked once again if the girlfriend's family is invited to the wedding. The answer is no. My SIL has never met these people. But she has a feeling they are just going to show up anway.

Guess who the girlfriend brought to the shower today, univited?  Her mom.

The whole thing is out of control.  She didn't even speak to my SIL today and only said a few words to me.   But when SIL complained to her parents that this happened, they basically told her she has to suck it up.  Then FIL started complaining that he has to pay for SIL's fiancee's side of the family at the wedding because he doesn't know them.

Ummm..excuse me but you don't know BIL's girlfriends family either, and they aren't even invited, and you have no problem paying for them if they just show up.

I don't understand any of this and my SIL is just so upset.  There has obviously been much drama about this that I haven't even typed, because it's so long and detailed.   I just can't believe BIL would go against SIL's wishes for her own wedding just to suit him.

The drama is just too much for me. I'm trying to stay out of it, but it's getting ugly and I feel so bad for SIL.  Shouldn't she just have one day the way she wants it with people she is close to?

Ugh.  I'll probably DD this because you never know who lurks, but I guess I just had to vent. It's been a long drama full day.

Re: Completely disgusted....

  • ugh! I got tired even reading all this drama I couldn't imagine how you and your family feel!
  • That whole situation is ridiculous. Your poor SIL shouldn't have to worry about all of this. 
    Annalise Marie 05.29.06
    Charlotte Ella 07.16.10
    Emmeline Grace 03.27.13
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  • Can your DH tell his brother to stop being suck a d*ck?
    Jen - Mom to two December 12 babies Nathaniel 12/12/06 and Addison 12/12/08
  • This is your SIL's wedding.  Yes she should just have the one day the way she wants it and no one should make her feel differently.  If no one else is going to tell her, maybe you should.  And that doesn't necessarily mean you're involved in the drama.

    Tell her to grow a pair and tell who she needs to tell what very firmly, very, very firmly, how it's going to be.  No matter who it is.  The girlfriend cries and complains she's not invited to the shower and then doesn't even speak to your SIL when she finally does get invited - who the f*ck does that??  I'm not often confrontational but when it came to my wedding, I was no bridezilla but I did NOT let anyone stress me out and if I felt any stress coming on from anyone, I headed it off immediately.

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