Upstate NY Babies

? for those pg with #2

I feel so bad for our next baby.  We have done nothing to get ready for him. A big part of the reason is because our house is a two bedroom and we just started looking again.  If we get furniture we have no room to put it in. However, I still feel like I should be doing more.  We're set with all of the baby stuff (bouncy seat, bassinet, swing, etc.) because of already having it, but I should probably get my butt in gear as far as clothing and such.  I just feel like it's so different this time around.  Poor kid!!
Lilypie Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Re: ? for those pg with #2

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    It's ok. :)  I had those moments too when I was pregnant with Joe. I don't think I actually thought about preparing for anything until the last month...I think because I was too busy taking care of Bella to think about anything else. Don't worry though, they have no clue and you'll love this baby up once he gets here :)
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    I hope my post didn't sound like I am not excited about having my son.  I didn't mean that at all.  I just meant that we are so unprepared compared to last time.  You're right though when you said you get so busy taking care of your first child that it's just harder.  With Justin he was my only focus and I had so much more time to prepare for his arrival.
    Lilypie Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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    I hope my post didn't sound like I am not excited about having my son.  I didn't mean that at all.  I just meant that we are so unprepared compared to last time.  You're right though when you said you get so busy taking care of your first child that it's just harder.  With Justin he was my only focus and I had so much more time to prepare for his arrival.

    oh no! not at all. (did my reply sound like I was implying that you aren't excited? SO sorry if it did) I knew exactly what you are saying because I felt the same way. Everything was so surreal with the second because you have no time to think about it as much because you are so preoccupied with the first and then all of the sudden you are in labor and he/she's here. No less amazing though :)

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