What we think doesn't matter. If you want to pass on the family name that way, go for it. My nephew is the fourth and I personally think it's getting a bit ridiculous (esp since no one likes the first name so we've been using nicknames for 3 generations), but strokes and folks.
i don't like the practice of fourths and fifths (even thirds and juniors, i don't love, but that's just me). i don't see why it would be different to name an adoptee with a family name than a bio child. Anyone who has issue with it is probably showing their true colors about how they feel about adoption in general .
our little boy's middle names are our family names - one from my husband's grandfather and one is my brother's name (plus it happens to be his original birth name). i don't think it should make any difference - biological or adopted, the child is still a part of the family.
Re: Naming Adoptee after our family?
our little boy's middle names are our family names - one from my husband's grandfather and one is my brother's name (plus it happens to be his original birth name). i don't think it should make any difference - biological or adopted, the child is still a part of the family.