Upstate NY Babies

What to do with newborn?

She is 3 weeks and awake most of the day.  For some reason she doesn't sleep much, at least not as much as I thought babies slept.  So what do I do with her?  I mean after feeding and changing, do I just rotate between the swing and bouncy all day?

Re: What to do with newborn?

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    Not a whole lot... you can always put on some music, put them in the bouncer, lay them on a play mat or something like that.  It's nice to sort of stimulate their senses, but at 3 mos there isn't much.

    I felt like at that point it was more for me, to get out of the house or whatnot, so we'd go to the grocery store or the mall or whatever.  It was better than sitting home all day, and at least it was a change of scenery for the both of us.

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    I agree with Arctic...there isn't a whole lot.  I just kinda felt like it was around the clock feeding and changing diapers.  My son was born in the summer so I tried to visit family a lot.  Can you do that?  And one suggestion......get in as much cuddle time now as you can!!!  Once they start moving they don't want to be held....well at least that's how my son is.  I miss that infant stage when I would cuddle with him.  Luckily I'll be doing that soon with my next.  I can't wait!!
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    I can't believe she's 3 weeks already!  The time goes so fast.

    We did the swing and boucy seat and trips to the mall, Target, etc. like pp said.  Some of the other things I remember doing are walks in the neighborhood, baby massage, reading/singing, playtime on the blankets....  He loved baths, so we did a lot of baths just for something to do.  I also wore him in the Baby Bjorn a lot and did things around the house, etc.  If I remember correctly, you're not too far away, so if you ever want to come over for lunch or something to get out of the house, let me know!

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    It is hard when they are so small.  Liam didn't sleep much either (and still doesn't).  I did a lot of what was mentioned above read to him, sing to him, run errands, have visitors, etc.  Liam just loved to be held, so I held him most of the time.  We have a book that is called "Your baby's first year, week by week" at the end of the chapter for each week it gives ideas for activities to do with the baby at that stage.  You might want to check that out.

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    I seem to remember a lot of screaming? LOL.. Eve spent a lot of time in her swing, or just napping on me... We watched A LOT of TV those early weeks..
    Around 3 weeks was when I started getting braver about taking her out places with me. I remember we went on a lunch date with Melanie and baby justin  and Colleen when she was 3 week and I went to walmart afterwards and she SCREAAAAMED her little head off.  :) Going out kept me sane though.
    Melissa & Jeff 5-27-06
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    Wow 3 weeks!  I would just say enjoy the weather while it's still nice and easy to get out and around even if its just in your neighborhood.  G never liked to be in a swing/bouncy at that age so spent alot of time holding her and walking around the house talking and looking at the same old stuf.  Is there any BF or baby stores around that have play time or classes you would take together?  Sometimes it was nice to get out and see other moms in the same position. 
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    Oh...also...the Greece library has an infant storytime if you'd like to get out with other infant moms.  We went the first month we moved here since Gavin still made the cut-off (15months) but there were a lot of little babies there.  Singing and stories, and other moms to talk to!

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    I agree with getting out as much as you can. I'm not sure if you are going back to work or what not. But since Evan was born in was a looooooooooooong winter!! 

    Evan spent about 15-45 minutes screaming to fall we spent a lot of time walking and soothing. But when he was content to sit in his bouncy I played with him and introduced him to colors, etc. I remember being completely amazed when he first followed an object with his eyes. It's fun to witness all the little things.

    The baby 1st year - week by week has some ideas in there as well (as I think a pp mentioned)

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