Upstate NY Babies

1st B-day Party

We booked a little cottage house in Mendon Park in Rochester (most of our family is in Roch/ we figured it doesn't really make sense to book a place here since our house isn't big enough)

I am at a loss as what to do. Do I need to have a theme?

But most of all...I'm not sure what I should provide for food.  I thought it would be pretty easy to do - say, pulled pork and/or roast beef on weck along with other warm fall food - like maybe homemade mac&cheese or 3 bean casserole, etc.

Or we could just do wegmans sub trays.

Any other ideas??

Re: 1st B-day Party

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    For my DD's 1st bday, we did a bunch of diff foods (keeping in mind I am vegetarian and so were some guests).

    Lots of appetizers - veggies, cheese, dips, etc.
    Baked ziti (went over great!)
    Cake - and actually my aunt made these pecan squares which was basically mini pecan pies, and people raved endlessly about them!

    But I think as long as guests are well-fed, you're fine, even if you just did pizza or something!

    A theme is cute but I never got too themey.  Party City has some cute stuff.. I ended up doing Dora streamers and a bunch of various other color streamers, lots of balloons (huge hit with the kids), huge Pooh bear wall poster (made of plastic), and some bday banners.

    I figured I wouldn't worry about a theme too much until DD decided she wanted something in particular.  At 2, she seemed to like Dora and Pooh so I grabbed those.

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    We just had a picnic for my son.  We did a monkey theme, however, we didn't get crazy with it.  And as far as the food, we did all picnic type stuff like hamburgers, hot dogs, salads, etc.  Your food ideas sound delicious!!!!!
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    Justin is having a Handy Manny birthday. I estimate about 35 adults and 9 kids.  I'm getting just a few decorations w, Handy Manny and the rest will be primary colors like balloons and streamers. I'm making his cake look like the toolbox w. the tools in it made of fondant. Since Manny is supposedly from Mexico I'm using that as a food theme. I'm going to make Enchiladas, Quesadillas, rice & beans and set up a taco station. I'm kinda sorta super into planning things like this.
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    You don't have to have a theme- but if you wanted to go that route you could look on etsy or at party city for something that catches your eye.  Or go off a book you like to read together or favorite color/pattern combos. 

    I think it makes alot of sense to do food that is as easy as possible for you and what you listed sounds like it would be yummy and warming.  It's hard to comment without knowing your crowd.

    I myself like the detail part of parties like the invites and balloons but we have very small families that would actually attend.  My mom told me to do what I want because it's my daughter's only first birthday.  We'll have only about 10 people, I'm doing pink/green/organge for ballons and a birthday banner and invites.  Seeing that stuff up around my house will make me happy.  Not sure on food but it will probably depend on the weather if we can use our deck and grill something or do taco bar or something else inside.   Arrive- mingle over food and cake- open presents- mingle-Done. 

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