Upstate NY Babies

When do babies "know" they're doing something "bad"

I swear Evan has been doing this for a while. When he starts to crawl down the hall....he slows way down, or stops, and turns to look for one of us to follow him. He used to lick flip flops...haha!!! we obviously have taken them away from him and said "icky" and things like that...but now- if we leave them out - he'll crawl over and, grab one and look at us with a grin as if he's waiting to get "scolded". It's pretty cute.

Re: When do babies "know" they're doing something "bad"

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    I am not sure exactly when....but I remember Bella doing the same thing at an early age. DH and I would laugh because she was way smarter than we thought. She had us totally wrapped around her little finger for a while before we wised up.

    When she was a little older (over 1) we started putting her in time out because she liked to throw her toys when she got pissed about something.  After she got out of time out she was still clearly upset that we had put her there and she walked over to the couch where one of her toys were and proceeded to slowly push it to the edge of the couch then push it all the way off. After the toy hit the ground she quickly looked up (just with her eyes) still with this serious and stern "what are you gonna do about that?" It took every fiber of my being not to start cracking up. She sure is going to be a "hoot" during puberty. *shakes head* 

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    Apparantly I have a "quote" problem. I don't know why I started doing old boss did it all the time and it would drive me "crazy" haha.
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    Haha...Evan has been throwing fits for a while now. Usually when he can't crawl somewhere because I have it blocked off. Or if he's half sitting on something and can't pull it out from under him to play with. This morning there was a book that was kinda vacuum sucked to the floor and he couldn't pick it was he ticked.
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    Justin LOVES to chew flip flops- isn't it so gross?

    For about a month now if you say "no, no" he will shake his head no. So just this morning he was trying to climb the kitchen garbage can and when I looked at him he smiled and shook his head, no no. Trust me- they know already. They just like to drive us bananas =)

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    Justin LOVES to chew flip flops- isn't it so gross?

    If my eyes aren't on him and he's just crawling around playing with stuff....I won't even notice he's doing it. But then I see my flip flops with big wet spots on the, so gross. And DH yells at me, but the last thing I'm thinking about is where my flip flops are in the house.

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    Justin LOVES to chew flip flops- isn't it so gross?

    If my eyes aren't on him and he's just crawling around playing with stuff....I won't even notice he's doing it. But then I see my flip flops with big wet spots on the, so gross. And DH yells at me, but the last thing I'm thinking about is where my flip flops are in the house.

    I try to hide mine so he can't get them. I often hide them too well and when I'm trying to get out of the house quickly I'm running around trying to find them, haha!

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