Philadelphia Babies


Someone on the TTCAL board said you've had some experience with Femara/Letrozole. Just wanted to hear your opinion/success with it. I was on Clomid when we got pregnant the first time, but my new doctor prescribed Femara instead, and I start it tomorrow. Thanks in advance!

Re: ::::::MainLineEsby?::::::

  • Hey Zannepunks :)

    Yes, Femara/Letrozole helped me get pregnant. I tried several rounds of clomid first... had three follicles and then none... and none again and again. I am a bit of a clomid-hater, mostly due to the hot flashes and the lack of consistency it gave me.

    After going on the pill briefly to "reset my cycle" and get a period, my doc prescribed 2.5 mg daily for cycle days (CD) 4-8. By CD 15, I had two small follicles growing on my L ovary and by CD 19, one of them became dominant (17x17mm) and I followed with a shot of Ovidrell on CD 21 (to pinpoint ovulation to a 36-hour window.)

    CD 34 confirmed Beta of 264 = Pregnant with the present "BabyB." :)

    I didn't really have any side effects with Femara/Letrozole... no hot flashes, no crazy mood swings... and my doc said it had less of a chance of causing multiples than clomid. I am a lean PCOS "cycster" with normal insulin-levels, thyroid, etc... I used to be overweight though, which I think had something to do with my development of PCOS in my youth.

    Anyway, that's my story. Good Luck to you!!

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  • Awesome. Thanks so much for getting back to me!
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