Upstate NY Babies

First Plane Ride with the Baby (long)

So my first trip with the Baby turned out to be a complete disaster. I was delayed in Buffalo in a middle seat on the runway for 1.5 hours. Then we get to Detroit with only 15 mins to get to my connection which is on the other side of the terminal. So the Baby and I RAN. Get to the gate only to find out there is mechanical issues with the plane so we are delayed an hour. Then they give us a new plane, load us on and then tell us the flight crew has exceeded their hours so they are grounding the plane till the morning. UGH

So, I go to customer service to get our hotel voucher and the women explains that she can not get my car seat from the checked bags bc if she made an exception for me then she would have to for other people. I tried to explain to her that it was illegal for me to get in a taxi or hotel van with out a car seat.

Customer service gave me two options. Sleep in the airport with my 2.5 month old or pick a new destination because they were willing to transfer my bags to another plane. So after all this... the only option I had was to fly back to Buffalo at 11pm.

Re: First Plane Ride with the Baby (long)

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    That is ridiculous! You poor thing!!!  What is wrong with people and with the airlines?

    Random, but slightly related thought...I wonder what people do about carseats who don't have cars in cities and either walk or use taxis.

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    OMG....I wouldn't have made it!!! Esp not with the way Evan was at that age. Hopefully that is your one bad experience and all future trips will be a breeze!!

    I know in NYS, taxis and busses, etc are exempt from carseat rules.....but it probably varies by state. Not sure I would have DS ride without a carseat regardless of the law though.

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    Are you effing KIDDING me? That is ridiculous! I can't believe they did nothing to help you out! I would have cried.. and then bitched someone out.. Flying stresses me out, even without a baby.. Not cuz of fear of crashing or anything.. just cuz of BS like that!
    Melissa & Jeff 5-27-06
    m/c 1/2/08 and 3/12/08
    Eve Amelia- Born 2/24/09. 6lb 9.9oz
    Natalie Ruth - Born 6/13/11 7lb 6.6oz
    baby growth
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    I totally cried! I don't do well in these situations and it was even harder since my DH was not with me. Luckily, all the other passengers were super nice. It was only the employees that were rude and un-willing to help. On a postive note though, Matthew did great through the ordeal and I got a full refund today from the airline :)
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    that's awful, especially to do all alone 
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    I am glad you got a refund..

    A few years back, in my short non-waitressing stint.. I had to go to dallas for two weeks for work.. I was terribly homesick to the point where I had anxiety attacks where i had to go to urgent care so I was really wanting to get home.. well my flight on the way home got cancelled and they booked me on a flight on a different airline but it was basically impossible for me to get to that flight on time (different I had to go back through security).. I ended up SOBBING in the security line and the people that had like first class or whatever tickets taht got to go in the VIP security line let me cut in front of them.. but then I got flagged for extra security.. more sobbing as they did that.. I ended up sprinting to my plane and being the last one on, but I made it.. Ever since then.. I have been very distrusting of airlines..

    Melissa & Jeff 5-27-06
    m/c 1/2/08 and 3/12/08
    Eve Amelia- Born 2/24/09. 6lb 9.9oz
    Natalie Ruth - Born 6/13/11 7lb 6.6oz
    baby growth
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