Holy crap. I just had the worst stomach cramps EVER! My period is a couple of days late (maybe a week) and I thought for sure I was going to get home from dropping Joey off and find that I had it. The cramps were so intense I had a hard time backing up my truck and I almost puked.
They have subsided some --- but are still there.
Anyway, I just took my temp because I'm all clammy and gross and it's 97.4. So I went from 100 to 97.4 --- with stomach cramps.
What is going on with my body!?!?
Re: WTF is going on?!
omg, you are like, sooo knocked up Jodi.
j/k-- no clue, but I hope you feel better!
Really!? Holy crap. I had a bagel at around 9:00 and ate a banana at the park. Do you think the banana could have caused it?!?! Man, serious cramps!!!
camrude --- I almost thought I was going to have to go to the ER. I feel a lot better right now -- cramps are almost gone except for when I take a really deep breath.
And fever back to 100. So bizarre!!
Ditto Dandelionmom. We all have it right now.
And your period.. is it you that's been late a lot recently? Perhaps your cycles are just changing and longer & your "late" is your new on time. ?
you are the next "i didn't know I was pregnant" episode...those are contractions and you are giving birth.....
No idea, but I hope you feel better soon!